Top 10: What We’ve Been Reading and Sharing, April 2020

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2 min readMay 4, 2020

Each day Sourcefabric shares on social media a wide range of stories affecting the converging worlds of journalism and technology. If you haven’t had the opportunity, be sure to follow us on Twitter (@Sourcefabric), Facebook (Sourcefabric), YouTube (Sourcefabric), LinkedIn (sourcefabric) and, of course, here on Medium.

Our monthly Top 10 list is based upon the number of impressions each story received on Twitter.

  1. 🎂 Sourcefabric was founded 10 years ago today. Check out our special anniversary page for highlights of our first decade. And thanks to all our partners, contributors and friends who shared the journey with us 🎉
  2. Coronavirus has altered how we produce and consume news. Live blogs made 39% of the top 100 list of top articles across 700 publishers in 70 countries, according to @Chartbeat, the best performing editorial format during the pandemic. by @g_piechota
  3. @mdiforg and @splicenewsroom hosted a free online #splicelowres workshop on financial management for newsrooms and how they can minimise the effect of the covid-19 crisis. @patburd
  4. “The newsrooms that will thrive in a post-COVID-19 world will be the ones that embrace the shift to distributed teams”, writes @Tom_El_Rumi. We couldn’t agree more. Superdesk was designed specifically to power distributed, digital newsrooms. via @NiemanLab
  5. Managing and planning this year’s budgets has been severely disrupted by the pandemic. @rsettles breaks down @HarlanManel and @mdiforg’s best advice for small, independent media on how to position themselves for long-term financial viability. via @gijn
  6. To stay connected during the quarantine, @w42st, a lifestyle magazine in NYC, invited readers to share short video messages via Live Blog. The result–W42ST FACES–is an upbeat example of how a #blog can be used to connect and inform communities.
  7. If you’re looking for an #opensource alternative to videoconferencing platforms like Zoom, @WIRED recommends @jitsinews’ Jitsi Meet, which offers advanced privacy and security features, is free and can run entirely on your own hardware. by @klintron
  8. Newsrooms are increasingly leveraging their talent to produce an array of #podcasts. @wnip examines @Telegraph’s successful strategy of using robust audio offerings to drive loyalty and engagement between journalists and listeners. by @EstherKeziaT
  9. 🎉 Thanks @softwareworldco for ranking Superdesk as one of the best Content Management Systems in the world. “Superdesk is open-source web-based newsroom software that integrates easily with legacy systems as well as third-party applications.”
  10. To provide readers real-time coverage on COVID-19, NTB, Norway’s top news agency, used an integration between Superdesk and Live Blog to deliver content faster and more efficiently. Here’s how they did it — and how your newsroom can, too.




We build open source tools for journalism, including Superdesk, Live Blog and Airtime.