Top 10: What We’ve Been Reading and Sharing, December 2020

Published in
2 min readJan 4, 2021

Each day Sourcefabric shares on social media a wide range of stories affecting the converging worlds of journalism and technology. If you haven’t had the opportunity, be sure to follow us on Twitter (@Sourcefabric), Facebook (Sourcefabric), YouTube (Sourcefabric), LinkedIn (sourcefabric) and, of course, here on Medium.

Our monthly Top 10 list is based upon the number of impressions each story received on Twitter.

  1. What will 2021 bring? @fathmco asked their associates what they see for this year in the news business. They shared their predictions for misinformation and fact checking, audience engagement, direct publishing, the newsroom of the future, and more.
  2. Press Release: Italian news agency ANSA has completed the rollout of Superdesk across its full editorial operations. It’s the largest deployment of our award-winning, #opensource headless CMS to date. @Agenzia_Ansa
  3. Is Rupert Murdoch a ‘thug and bully’ whose media empire spells ‘terminal trouble for democracies’? @cjwerleman thinks so, and predicts the beginning of the end for Murdoch’s toxic reach. via @BylineTimesPod
  4. Read Sourcefabric Co-Founder Sava Tatić’s recent op-ed in @ProSyn: ‘Don’t Buy Bezosware’, arguing that modern newsrooms should avoid buying their content management systems from major media companies at all costs and opt for #opensource instead.
  5. Newsroom content audits have traditionally been done manually, meaning they can be costly, time-consuming, and potentially dated from the moment results are available. @lenfestlab is building an #opensource tool to take the guessing out of the equation.
  6. 2021 predictions: More journalists of colour become newsroom founders, according to @ketchcast. via @niemanlab
  7. Covid-19 has had a deep and lasting effect on the world’s economies. @wnip looks at how the pandemic has affected consumer behaviour and impacted the publishing industry. by @faisalkalim
  8. Interested in starting a community radio station? We’ve made a video and wrote a short blog post about it. See how quick and easy it is using an internet platform like our Airtime Pro + we offer nonprofits a 30% discount on annual plans to get started.
  9. More than 60 orgs filed a proposal calling on the EU to safeguard journalists, rights defenders and whistleblowers from SLAPP lawsuits. Not a single EU member has yet enacted protections for public watchdogs from this manner of legal abuse. via @OCCRP
  10. Trust in news has eroded worldwide. @risj_oxford examines what can be done to reverse that trend, and what trade-offs news orgs face when trying to regain the public’s trust.




We build open source tools for journalism, including Superdesk, Live Blog and Airtime.