Top 10: What We’ve Been Reading and Sharing, September 2020

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2 min readOct 2, 2020

Each day Sourcefabric shares on social media a wide range of stories affecting the converging worlds of journalism and technology. If you haven’t had the opportunity, be sure to follow us on Twitter (@Sourcefabric), Facebook (Sourcefabric), YouTube (Sourcefabric), LinkedIn (sourcefabric) and, of course, here on Medium.

Our monthly Top 10 list is based upon the number of impressions each story received on Twitter.

  1. Sourcefabric Co-Founder & MD Sava Tatić has penned a must-read op-ed in Project Syndicate: ‘Don’t Buy Bezosware’, arguing that modern newsrooms should avoid buying their CMSs from major media companies and opt for #opensource instead.
  2. We need open source now, more than ever. @OpenSourceOrg’s first State of the Source Summit took place in early September with the goal of fostering conversations on the state of #opensource projects and communities around the world. View the sessions on their YouTube channel:
  3. “A trustworthy press is the immune system of democracy”. In 1970, that’s what @craignewmark’s history and civics teacher taught the future founder of Craigslist, and today it’s why Craig spends millions to protect press freedoms. via @nobhillgazette
  4. Local newspapers in Europe have been forced to adapt their editorial and business strategies to remain sustainable. @risj_oxford’s latest report examines the shift to high-quality, distinctive digital content and how it attracts subscribers. by @joyjenkins
  5. Emergency pandemic laws, new spy technologies, and the lockdown itself have exposed journalists to even greater threats of surveillance and harassment. @gijn offers 10 security tips to adopt now. by @RowanPhilp
  6. Looking for the latest apps, tools and research on mobile journalism and smartphone trends? @journtoolbox has you covered with newly updated sections on everything needed to take your mobile reporting to the next level.
  7. 📣The Candadian Press, one of North America’s oldest and most trusted news sources, has begun publishing with the Superdesk suite of open-source software, bringing to six the number of worldwide news agencies using our technology to power their newsrooms. @CdnPressNews
  8. Swiss media group @ringier_ag has undergone a remarkable digital transformation in the last 13 years, proving that ‘without technology content is nothing’. by @FIPPWorld via @wnip @marcwalder
  9. The latest in @gijn’s My Favorite Tools series features Mexican independent journalist @marcelaturati, co-founder of Quinto Elemento Lab, who shares some of her favorite #opensource tools and resources for investigating missing people.
  10. Fundamentals of Professional Open Source Management from @linuxfoundation is a free 10-week course and an excellent chance for ‘beginners’ to learn the fundamentals of developing #opensource software. @LF_Training




We build open source tools for journalism, including Superdesk, Live Blog and Airtime.