4 Open Source You Could use Everyday

Instead of the closed source alternative

C. L. Beard


Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

There are Github or open source projects all over the place. Over 135 million projects are hosted there. I have a couple, but they are not ready for use by the public. Much work needs to be continued until any of my projects are ready. But there are certainly plenty of projects out there that are worth using not because they may be free, but because they are likely better than the commercial version. And with open source tools you can also keep your data private.

One way with open source tools to keep your data private is by self-hosting the tools you choose to use. Invoice Ninja is one project that allows for that. In fact most open source projects can be self-hosted. Ghost.io is another proeject that will let you self-host your project. N8N is another.

Now I am not going to list all the projects you can self-host here. That would be on real long Medium post. It is something worth keeping in mind when you are considering you next set of tools for your most important work.

For Further Reading:

Grab Bag of AI Tools

7 Super Useful Github Projects

8 Trending Github Projects, for End of June



C. L. Beard

I am a writer living on the Salish Sea. I also publish my own AI newsletter https://brainscriblr.beehiiv.com/, come check it out.