5 Open Source Repos for those little business side tasks

C. L. Beard
Published in
4 min readFeb 28, 2024
Photo by Alexas_Fotos on Unsplash

Open source tools are sometimes much more useful than their commercial counterparts.

Need to work on one-page web applications then Servor is a handy open source tool that can help you do just that.

Servor by Luke Jackson

Servør is a lightweight, dependency-free development server designed for modern web application development. It provides a compact but capable static file server with HTTPS, live reloading, gzip compression, and other useful features to support web app development on localhost and over a local network. The project was created with the goal of using only native, Node, and browser APIs to perform specific tasks with minimal code, aiming for a package that does not rely on external dependencies.

  • credential management
  • CLI
  • programmatic API
  • HTTPS support

Want to integrate Chatgpt into your company Slack channels.


… is a Slack bot tool that lets you integrate Chatgpt and Dall-e into your Slack channels.

Geppetto integrates with OpenAI’s ChatGPT-4 and DALL-E-3 models to provide advanced functionalities for interactive AI conversations and image generation within Slack.

  • Integration: Geppetto is a Slack bot that allows teams to interact with ChatGPT-4 and DALL-E-3. Users can easily communicate with these AI models through Geppetto, enabling coherent responses, creative visualizations, and interactive AI conversations.
  • Functionality: ChatGPT-4 provides conversational capabilities, while DALL-E-3 offers text-to-image generation features. By integrating these models into Geppetto, users can leverage the power of advanced AI technologies within the Slack platform for enhanced communication and creativity.

Through this integration, Geppetto enhances Slack communication by combining the strengths of ChatGPT-4 for conversations and DALL-E-3 for image generation, providing users with a comprehensive AI-powered experience within their Slack workspace.

Need to make encrypted snapshots of your data?


Kopia is a cross-platform backup tool that offers fast, incremental backups, client-side end-to-end encryption, compression, and data deduplication. It includes both a Command-Line Interface (CLI) and a Graphical User Interface (GUI).

Kopia allows you to back up various types of data, providing a flexible and comprehensive backup solution. Here are the key aspects related to the types of data that can be backed up using Kopia based on the search results:

  • Files and Directories: Kopia enables you to back up any files and directories that you consider important or critical. It does not create an image of your entire machine but allows you to select specific files and directories for backup.
  • Snapshot Creation: Each snapshot in Kopia represents a point-in-time backup of your selected files and directories. These snapshots are incremental, meaning that data is uploaded once based on file content, and only modified files are re-uploaded to the repository.
  • Encryption: Kopia encrypts both the content and names of your backed-up files and directories using per-content keys derived from a master key stored in the repository. You can choose between AES-256 and ChaCha20 encryption algorithms for securing your data.
  • Compression: Kopia supports data compression to save storage space and bandwidth. It offers various compression methods to optimize storage efficiency.
Photo by Kaleidico on Unsplash

Do you need to know where each node in your system co nects?


Is a tool designed to perform automatic network traversal using SSH private keys discovered on systems, with the objective of creating a comprehensive map of a network and its dependencies, identifying to what extent a network can be compromised using SSH and SSH private keys starting from a particular system.

SSH-Snake is completely fileless: after the user runs the script, it is passed to destinations’ bash via stdin and bash arguments (via SSH). No material evidence of the script exists on any of the systems scanned: the only evidence of the script running is in the process tree, and the substantial amount of invalid SSH attempts which will inevitably occur.

Written entirely in Bash.

Do you want to build and run your own company Chatbot?


LobeChat is an open-source, modern-design ChatGPT/LLMs UI/Framework that supports speech-synthesis, multi-modal, and an extensible plugin system. It offers one-click free deployment for private ChatGPT/Gemini/Ollama chat applications. LobeChat is built with the Next.js framework and is designed to provide a powerful, AI-driven conversation experience.

Lobechatintegrates advanced features such as model visual recognition, TTS & STT voice conversation, text to image generation, and a plugin system for function calling. LobeChat also supports quick deployment using Vercel or Docker, custom domain binding, privacy protection with local data storage, and an exquisite UI design that supports light and dark themes, mobile-friendliness, and PWA for a native-like experience.

It aims to enhance productivity by reducing the time spent on thinking up responses and organizing conversations for better clarity.

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash



C. L. Beard

I am a writer living on the Salish Sea. I also publish my own AI newsletter https://brainscriblr.beehiiv.com/, come check it out.