The Lua Programming Language

A Sort of Beginner’s Guide

C. L. Beard
3 min readAug 16, 2023


Photo by Obie Fernandez on Unsplash

Let’s begin with Lua’s fundamentals.

Introduction Lua is a lightweight, high-performance scripting language that has become popular for embedded use in applications. Originally created in 1993 at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, Lua was designed to be a highly customizable, procedural scripting language well-suited for embedding in other programs.

With its efficient C implementation, simple syntax, and extensible semantics, Lua has found wide use in game development, robotics, IoT, networking, and many other industrial applications. Let’s take a deeper look at what makes Lua such a versatile embedded scripting tool.

Key Features and Strengths Lua was engineered for efficient extensibility and embedding. Some of its key strengths and capabilities include:

  • Speed and efficiency — The compact C implementation makes Lua fast and memory-efficient. The interpreters and JIT compilers produce highly optimized bytecode.
  • Portability — Lua code can be built and run across various platforms like Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, Android etc. This flexibility is powered by its ANSI C codebase.
  • Embeddability — Lua is implemented as a library rather than a standalone interpreter. This allows it to be deeply integrated and heavily customized within host applications.
  • Extensibility — Lua semantics are extensible with mechanisms like metatables. Numerous modules and libraries extend the core language capabilities.
  • Simple but powerful syntax and semantics — Lua uses an easy to learn procedural syntax with advanced construct like first-class functions, closures and prototypal inheritance.
  • Automatic memory management — Lua features incremental garbage collection which makes memory management seamless.
  • Lightweight open source implementation — The reference implementation is open source and usable in any free or commercial application.

Applications and Uses With its fast performance and tiny resource footprint, Lua has been embedded into software across domains including:

  • Gaming — Roblox, Angry Birds, World of Warcraft, Garry’s Mod all use Lua for game logic.
  • IoT and Robotics — Open source devices like NodeMCU and ESP32 integrate Lua for control.
  • Networking — The Nginx web server and Cisco routers use Lua for configuration and scripting.
  • Artificial Intelligence — Deep learning frameworks like Torch use Lua as a configuration language.
  • Industrial Control Systems — Siemens incorporates Lua for programmable logic controllers.
  • Space Science — Celestia space simulator uses Lua for its celestia script extensions.

Syntax and Coding Basics Lua syntax is simple procedural, similar to languages like Python. Some key aspects include:

  • Dynamic typing — Variables are not declared with type, their type is determined at runtime.
  • Tables as data structuring mechanism — Tables serve as arrays, sets, records similar to dicts in Python.
  • Functions are first-class — Functions can be stored in variables, passed as arguments.
  • Simple control flow — If/else, while, repeat until are used for flow control.
  • Error handling via pcall() and assert()
  • Global variables by default — Variables are global unless declared local.

Development Environment and Tools Lua is highly portable across platforms. The standard Lua binaries, compiler, interpreter and debugger are available for installation on Windows, Linux, macOS and other environments. Some commonly used Lua development tools include:

  • LuaRocks — package manager for Lua modules
  • Editors like VSCode, Atom, Sublime — with Lua plugins
  • ZeroBrane Studio — debugger and IDE for Lua
  • LÖVE — framework for building Lua-based games

Here is a simple code snippet showing Lua syntax:


function factorial(n) if n == 0 then return 1 else return n * factorial(n — 1) end end print(factorial(5)) — 120

This implements a factorial function recursively, calls it, and prints the result.

Pros and Cons of Lua Some pros and cons to consider when evaluating Lua:


  • Very fast and memory-efficient
  • Easy to learn syntax and coding style
  • Highly portable and customizable
  • Active community with many libraries


  • Not suitable for large applications
  • Very minimal standard libraries
  • Unique syntax and a small user base

Lua is an extensible, embeddable scripting language that offers simplicity, speed, and customizability. Its efficient C implementation and flexible semantics make Lua a great choice for extending applications across gaming, networking, robotics, AI, and industrial control systems. While not suited for large general purpose applications, Lua excels as a lightweight scripting solution easily tailored to specific use cases. Its vibrant community provides modules for diverse programming needs ranging from GUI interfaces to neural networks. For embedded scripting, Lua provides an agile, productive, and high-performance option



C. L. Beard

I am a writer living on the Salish Sea. I also publish my own AI newsletter, come check it out.