A Non-Coder Parent’s Guide to Supporting Your Children in Coding

South Bend Code School
South Bend Code School
4 min readNov 14, 2023

Coding abilities are becoming increasingly crucial for young learners as the world becomes more digital. However, when their children bring home assignments requiring coding, many parents discover themselves in a difficult circumstance. For parents without a technology background, helping with coding assignments can feel like navigating uncharted territory. Whether assisting with coding homework, practicing skills at home, or simply gaining the confidence to offer support, here are some tips for parents:

  1. Embrace the Learning Curve: Being a good parent doesn’t mean you need to be an experienced programmer. At its core, coding is a craft, and mastering a new skill takes time. Embrace the learning curve as a chance to bond with your child. This is also an empowering opportunity for them to teach you, fostering a mutual sense of learning and connection.
  2. Encourage Independent Problem Solving: Coding promotes critical thinking and problem-solving, valuable skills for life. Support your child by helping them ask better questions. Even if you don’t know the answer, you can still help them break through roadblocks by working with them to search for answers on Google. Sometimes it’s not so much a matter of asking a question as it is reading (and comprehending) instructions. A simple “let’s read the instructions again together and see if we can figure it out,” is a great way to work with your little coder without needing to be a coding wiz. Remember, not having all the answers is okay; it’s part of the learning process. Embrace this journey of acquiring a new skill, as it empowers your child and equips them with problem-solving capabilities applicable to various aspects of life.
  3. Explore Online Resources Together: The internet is full of beginner coding tools! Together, explore coding websites, guides, and videos. Interactive courses are available on websites like Code.org, Scratch, and Khan Academy, which make learning coding fun and interesting for both you and your child. You can also access our Youtube coding tutorials and explore our complimentary coding website, which offers fun opportunities for learning and growth.
  4. Learn Basic Concepts: You don’t have to be an expert programmer, but it can help to learn some of the fundamentals. Learn about concepts such as loops, functions, and variables through the free websites we listed above. You can better follow your child’s homework and discussions if you are familiar with these fundamental ideas.
  5. Ask Open-Ended Questions: As your child is working on a coding assignment, ask open-ended questions like, “What are you trying to achieve?” or “Why did you choose this approach?” This helps your child to clarify their comprehension and build confidence by encouraging them to express their cognitive process and problem-solving techniques.
  6. Attend Seminars or Coding Clubs: If they are offered, think about taking your kid to coding seminars or clubs. Family coding events are frequently offered by community centers or libraries. Together, engaging in such activities can be a fun approach to discovering and practicing coding in a welcoming setting.
  7. No Matter How Small They May Seem — Celebrate Your Child’s Successes: Recognizing their efforts helps them feel more confident and excited about learning a new skill such as coding. Find a way to let them know that you’re impressed by their hard work and dedication.
  8. Contact the Teacher: Don’t be afraid to reach out to your child’s coding teacher if you run into trouble with an assignment or are curious about what they’re learning. Parents and students can frequently count on teachers to offer advice and support. Any knowledge gaps can be filled with clear communication.

In summary, you don’t have to be an expert programmer to help your kids along their coding path. You may promote your child’s coding talents by embracing the learning process, going on resource-exploring adventures with them, and rewarding problem-solving. Always keep in mind that many other parents are traveling on this trip alongside you. So jump in, have fun, and take your child along on the adventure of gaining skills that will empower them for years to come!

Is your child’s school in need of a coding program or seeking opportunities for improvement? South Bend Code School is an award-winning program dedicated to bridging the technology skills gap from an early age, revolutionizing technology education, and ensuring equitable access to coding and computer science skills. Since our establishment in 2015, we’ve empowered thousands of students with computer science education through after-school programs and school collaborations. To learn more, get in touch with us at info@southbendcodeschool.com or explore our website at southbendcodeschool.com.

Elevate your child’s learning journey with South Bend Code School today! 🚀



South Bend Code School
South Bend Code School

Ages 7–18 learn the power of coding by programming their own projects, games, platforms and websites! 🚀