Why learn to code with Python?

South Bend Code School
South Bend Code School
2 min readJun 21, 2021

Python is one of the fastest-growing programming languages and one of the most in-demand skills according to LinkedIn. In fact, you are probably very familiar with a few companies that use the Python programming language.

image source: https://codingnomads.co/

With Python’s growing popularity, it only makes sense that this language would make great subject matter for students who are learning how to code.

A great starting point for students is making interactive text-based programs as well as interactive games based on Python turtle, a graphic generating module within the Python language.

Students can learn many different computer science skills using Python such as sequencing, iteration, conditionals, functions, variables, data structures, error handling, event driven programming, and event listeners.

The skills learned in this course are fundamental and transferable to many programming languages.

They are the building blocks of further programming skills, and helpful for any kind of problem-solving.

As a programming language, Python is versatile. It is used in various applications, including data science, web development, and game development. It has a fairly simple syntax and a well-developed repertoire of code libraries that we can teach students to implement.

We design coding courses for elementary, middle, and high schools. We offer customized support for technology classroom management, curriculum development, teacher training, and assist educators on an ongoing basis throughout the year!.

If you’d like help with introducing your students to computer science skills, email our Program Development Coordinator, Catlin, directly, catlin@southbendcodeschool.com.



South Bend Code School
South Bend Code School

Ages 7–18 learn the power of coding by programming their own projects, games, platforms and websites! 🚀