Adventure, Solo Hiking, and Camping in Ooty

Praba Prakash
South Indian Trekkers
3 min readMar 19, 2019

This weekend, I don’t have a trekking plan, thinking of going Remote Village in Ooty.

Usual on Friday, I took a red bus reached Chitra, Coimbatore next day early morning. My brother is studying in PSG, staying in Chitra. He took me to his room, I had a bath. We had breakfast, I took a bus reached Gandipuram. I don’t know about the new bus stand, where Ooty buses arrive and depart. again I took a bus reached new bus stand. Luckily I got a bus to Ooty, got the last seat, traveling to Ooty.

Reached Ooty around 1 pm had lunch took a bus to Kokkel.

Kokkel, Sholur, Nilgiris

I planned to trek Sholur to Bokkapura Forest through Kokkel, but the festival season in Bokkapura is ended, going alone through forest trail is very dangerous, forest elephant will attack us, also forest department put action camera everywhere and watching the forest to identify Maoist or terrorist.

Kokkel, This is one of the seven villages of Kota tribes living in Nilgiri district, Tamilnadu, India.This a small and beautiful village. Carrot, Beans, Radish, Garlic, Flowers are cultivated here, send to Chennai, Bangalore. People were so busy doing agriculture. The normal wage for people per day will be around 600 RS. This place has a vast variety of agricultural activities.

I reached Sholur junction, started hiking towards Kokkel after 3 km hiking reached Kokkel. I started gathering information about trekking to Bokkapura. People were not allowing me to trek through the forest, due to elephant activities.

I got to know about a man called Gandhi, who is guarding the agriculture land near to Bokkapura forest. I went there, He helped me to camp. I spent a night here, woke up around 7 am, going back to Kokkel.

I saw the beauty of the place, It was awesome.

Garlic Field

A couple doing Drip irrigation system in their fields.

Agriculture Fields

The old model, kerosene water pumps. my grandfather used this long back. Nowadays people using submersible water pumps everywhere.

I understand remote village in Ooty, still, hold their beauty and their traditional values.

People woke early doing agriculture, and they were busy does this daily.

Early morning view of Kokkel. It was marvelous. I rushed to Hotel, had breakfast, took a bus to Ooty, going to view dolphin nose and lamb rock.


Life. I started living my life. we will see you in the next story, probably an unplanned adventure :)

