Adventure, Solo Trekking, and Camping in Parvatha Hills

Praba Prakash
South Indian Trekkers
7 min readFeb 5, 2019
Parvatha Hills

Parvatha Hill, the only place opens 24/7 for trekking in Tamilnadu, India.

Full moon and no moon is a festive day for Parvathamalai, there used to be a thousand devotees come and trek to the summit for seeing a holy image of deity Shiva, Temple.

Pooja, this is only Temple in the Tamilnadu, whoever reaches the summit have permission to do Pooja themselves to Siva

Water, there won’t be any water source available, please carry enough water bottles, otherwise, you will be dehydrated easily.

Siva Lingam, Temple, Peak

Bangalore, 200 km journey from Bangalore via Krishnagiri, Chengam, Kanchi

Chennai, 190 km journey from Chennai via Ponnamalle, Arcot, Arani, Polur

Parvathamalai is situated in Tiruvannamalai which is a famous pilgrimage place in Tamilnadu, also Sri Ramana Maharishi resides here.

Tiruvannamalai, 30 km journey to Parvathamalai. Take a bus to Kanchi, then from Kanchi go to Thenmathimangalam, step down. We need to walk about 2km to reach Trek starting point.

Pongal, during Pongal celebrations I was planned to go Parvathamalai. This is going to be the tenth time, whenever I felt discouraged, I take the backpack, trek here.

Bike, I took my bike, backpacked my tent kit and blanket, plan to camp in between mountains, started riding towards Parvathamalai trek point.

Night Trek it’s is the best choice I always prefer for Parvathamalai, you feel the nature and its beauty.

Usual, I do night trek start at 7 pm, reach the summit probably 10 pm, a Temple is located there, sleep in the temple, especially near the Murugan Statue, I love it.

Thenmathimangalam, Tiruvannamalai

Around 10 pm, I reached the Thenmathimangalam, continue riding towards Ashram


Ashram, the trek starting point. Devotees used to stay here after the trek, they provide with free food and shelter, I parked my bike, had dinner, started the trek.

When comes trek to Parvathamalai, we need to step up around 1263 steps, then we need trek through muds and stones, finally need to be climb Kadaparai Pathai to reach the summit.

100steps, I stepped. In Thenmathimangala, I bought chips, cookies, popcorn, started eating it.

Songs, cool climate with cool songs with nobody around me, could be the enjoyable moments for me, I always fantasize those moments, right now it happening.

900 steps, I feel exhausted, slow and steady trek. While trek I saw few people coming back from the summit using torchlight

1000 steps, I completed the steps, next going to trek muds and stones, gonna be hard because here we need to climb up.

Steps, Parvathamalai

Mountains, when comes to mountains, we can’t able to say it’s is shorter easy to trek, every mountain has their own hardness while trekking.

Kadaladi, Thiruvannamalai. this is another way to reach the summit but doesn’t have steps, we need to trek hard rocks and muds.

Picture, If you carefully look the picture, left arrow shows Thenmathimangalam route, the right arrow shows Kadaladi route.

Route Pic

I was so tired because I had food everywhere, also I weigh about 5kg backpack along with water bottles, totally 7 kg, also had chips and popcorns.

Camp, I paused my trek in the mid of summit and camped out there and slept. folks, the climate was so good and you will get pure air for sure.


Early morning, woke up, packed my tent and started trek to the summit. I found few peoples coming back from the summit.

Day by day, the trek trail getting polluted by plastics and bottles. Folks, please avoid plastic bottles, carry own.

Belief, every devotee comes to Paravathamalai, they put thali kayiru(yellow thread) to this Sacred Tree, so that sooner they gonna be getting married.

Scared Tree

Two ways, one(steel steps) is coming from summit another(Kadaparai Path aka Crowbar Path) going to the summit.

Devotees are come back from the summit by Steel steps.

Coming way from Summit

Kadaparai Path is the famous path to reach the summit, everyone must go through that way, it’s a belief the one who goes through Kadaparai path will get the Courage

Famous Kadaparai Path

Folks, it gonna be fantastic experience climb rocks and going to the summit

Monkeys, beware of it, it always tries to take your foodies. If possible, take some food for monkeys, they’re so poor :)

End of Kadaparai Path

I crossed the Kadaparai path, found out a lot of devotees coming back from the temple, they’re mostly from Chennai.

Final Steps

This place is going to memorable for everyone, you will get pure air and marvelous looks of Parvatha Hills. I don’t understand how come they carry cement, steel, and sand to this place and build a temple.

Whenever I came to this place, I feel energetic, it encourages me to come back again, This helps me overcome pain. This is just a normal place, you could take your children to trek.

I see a lot of children coming with their daddy and mommy. Please don’t drink and come, it’s going to tough to trek some paths if you dance :)

Please maintain peace, this doesn't place for tourism, it pilgrimage

Temple, finally reached the summit, you couldn’t able to breathe, seeing a temple built in the summit. Seriously, I too didn’t expect at the first time.

Parvatha Hill Temple

Garbagraham, I went inside started doing pooja with fellow devotees, Santhanam Abhishekam(sandal powder sprinkling), Vibuthu Abhishekam ( Vibuthu sprinkling), Kumkuma Abhishekam (Kumkuma sprinkling), followed by chanting. I spent about half an hour in Garbagraham.

Great experience with chanting, I love it, it gave me peace and helpful overcome past pain.

Siva Lingam

Nilavilakku, I took all the Vilakku (Lamp), pour oil in it and Lighten it. It’s a belief Nilavilakku enlighten us.


One and a half hour later, I left the temple and started the trek back to Ashram.

Parvatha Hils

Steel Steps, the return path, devotees were supposed to go back this way., it isn’t mandatory to go this way, you could use the same Kadaparai Path to go down

Steel Steps

The view from Steel path could be mesmerizing and adventures.

Stone Builds

Belief, if you construct a base with stones and stack these up in towers, you could probably gonna buy home or land in near future, I do that with ten stones.

Folks, I love to give few tips which you’re supposed to follow when you trek Parvatha Hill, please carry less weight backpack, have at least 2 to 4 liters of water per person, please have bread, jam, butter. Start trek early morning or do night trek, please maintain your trek speed nominal, don’t rush and don’t go slow, you’re going to climb steep mountains. get some food for monkeys, they’re so poor. please avoid plastics. Come with the team, don’t come alone.

Trekking back to the ashram, after half an hour, I crossed all steep, hard rock trials reached steps.

1263steps to go to end trekking. I’m hungry started running towards ashram for food

One hour later, I reached the trek starting point and ended my trekking.

Usual, went to ashram had Annadhanam (free food), those people are used to get to know about me, they’re friendly and kind, I spent some time there

Mom, my mom is calling and shouting, where are you? we have been waiting for your presence for Pongal celebration? please come soon? she told so.

Bike, I take my bike from the parking area inside the ashram, ride fast and went home, celebrated Pongal.

Life. I started living my life. we will see you in the next story, probably Trek to Dudhsagar Falls, Goa

