People’s Funniest Reactions to My Being in a Wheelchair

Matthew B. Johnson
South of Certainty
Published in
7 min readFeb 24, 2021


A girl in a wheelchair wearing a shirt that says, “I run better than the government”
A friend sent me this a while back. Still makes me laugh.

Sometimes, being in a wheelchair is funny.

Not the actual being disabled part, though that presents its own set of hilarious circumstances which make people uncomfortable and a little squeamish when I describe them.

Many people err on the side of caution when they interact with me for the first time, afraid they are going to say something to which I will take grievous offense and for which I will label then as ignorant and intolerant.

Personally, the clichéd “walk on eggshells” approach annoys me. It’s insulting and patronizing. It’s also incredibly boring.

What I enjoy much more is when people are straight-forward and direct — yes, people can do this without being rude or insensitive. Or, if they’re incapable of that, being so hysterically flummoxed that they end up making an ass of themselves is always entertaining (which happens more often than you’d think).

However, my favorite interactions are the ones that make me laugh.

What follows are some of the funniest reactions I’ve received from people when they see I’m in a wheelchair.

One of the reasons I love talking with older people is that they have no social filter. Sure, they once had one. But now, they don’t have the time or patience for…



Matthew B. Johnson
South of Certainty

I’m a Sacramento-based writer, English professor, track coach, C-5 incomplete quadriplegic, diehard 49ers fan, comic book geek, and lover of all things coffee.