Suppositories, Tears, and a Downward Slope: A Series of Infuriating Events

Matthew B. Johnson
South of Certainty
Published in
10 min readMar 28, 2021


A cartoon man swearing
Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

Have you ever been so angry you just burst into uncontrollable laughter?

To the outside observer, you appear as though you’ve just heard the world’s funniest joke and are seconds away from losing the contents of your bladder down both legs, or you’re on the verge of an Arkham Asylum-level mental breakdown.



Matthew B. Johnson
South of Certainty

I’m a Sacramento-based writer, English professor, track coach, C-5 incomplete quadriplegic, diehard 49ers fan, comic book geek, and lover of all things coffee.