Seeking Nominations for Top Docs in South Philly

Bill Gelman
South Philly Review
2 min readJan 10, 2018

The South Philly Review changes things up every once in awhile with a special themed issue spotlighting the people, places and things that make South Philly what is today. Poplar editions such as the Spring Guide/Readers’ Choice Awards, Difference Makers, Rising Stars and Mummers Guide are all planned for later this year. Top Businessmen and Businesswomen of South Philly were added to the rotation in 2017, and will return, as well.

Now that 2018 has arrived, we are adding one more to the growing list: The Top Docs of South Philly. Face it, every South Philly resident needs a doctor, dentist or specialist to help fulfill the “healthy” part of the “Happy and Healthy New Year” greeting. With so many health professionals based in the neighborhood, there are plenty of options available to patients young and old. Who would you recommend and why? What makes this person stand out from the rest? It can be a primary care physician, cardiologist, OB/GYN, surgeon, or even the local ER doc. We are looking for more than just a name.

The final list of docs will be based on nominations from you, our loyal readers and social media followers. Include as many important details about this person as possible. All of the entries will be reviewed by the SPR staff, with the final list appearing in an upcoming issue. The only rule is the doctor must have an office or residence in South Philly. Please include the doctor’s name, name of the practice (if necessary), office address and phone number. Include your name and contact info, as well, in case we have any questions.

The date for the Top Docs of South Philly issue will be announced soon.

Nominations can be submitted via email,

