What is the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem?

2 min readFeb 16, 2018

What is the entrepreneurial ecosystem? Why does everyone mention it when talking about innovation? For us, the ecosystem is composed by a great network of startups, corporations, investors, business angels, investment funds and hundreds of restless minds who want to change the world.

The ecosystem of entrepreneurship emerged mainly in Silicon Valley, Israel and London, but right now it’s everywhere. It’s a global movement in which innovation and entrepreneurship are considered key to economic development. In this new world, companies are evolving very quickly and have a great commitment to the development of disruptive innovation.

This development offers plenty of opportunities and it´s the result of a tight collaboration between all the players. From the inception of South Summit we knew that it was absolutely necessary to gather in the same place corporations, startups and investors to generate new business opportunities and to foster the ecosystem. We wanted to be the heart of this new world and make things happen.

Every year we look around the world for the 100 most disruptive startups to connect them with potential investors and to help then reach the leading corporations. We want to be part of their growth, give them visibility, introduce them to the top business leaders, be even their friends!

We believe in the entrepreneurial ecosystem as the leading movement to change the world for the better. And you?




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