10 Diversity and Inclusion Resources

Bethany Hartley
Published in
2 min readApr 5, 2019

During a time when unemployment is low (3.6% in Indiana as of 11/18), profits are up and down, and a new generation of workforce is coming onboard, you may have heard more about inclusive environments. For the South Bend — Elkhart Region, inclusion is one of our primary focus areas as a regional strategy — read more about the strategy here.

In our first article, we shared some of our plans for the South Bend — Elkhart Region as it relates to diversity and inclusion efforts. Because this is a new initiative in our region, we’ve been exploring other community’s examples of how inclusion has been a catalyst for change. Below is a list of our top ten favorite resources, reports, and results. Check them out and see what you think. We welcome your feedback. Let us know what you think and if you’ve tried any of these or know of someone who has.

  1. Brookings Institute: Committing to Inclusive Growth — Lessons for metro areas from the Inclusive Economic Development Lab: This report offers incredible research and recommendations that can be implemented in many environments.
  2. Brookings Institute: Opportunity for GrowthDiscusses the barriers to economic inclusion and the impact of reducing those barriers on an economy.
  3. McKinsey & Company: Delivering through Diversity — McKinsey reports on financial evidence to prove the business case of diversity in all levels of a company.
  4. The Conference Board: 22 Truths about Diversity and Inclusion — Covers facts followed by actions that can be implemented in various entities.
  5. AMA Quarterly:How to Create a Diversity and Inclusion Program from Ground ZeroFocuses on tactics specific to companies, professional services in particular.
  6. Diversity Primer: Research and Management — Discusses the what, how, and why of data collection around diversity and inclusion for companies. (Requires login)
  7. Economic Development Research Partners: Opportunity for All: Strategies for Inclusive Economic Development — Examples of regions implementing strategies around inclusive economic development.
  8. World Economic Forum — The Inclusive Growth and Development Report 2017 — For policymakers and stakeholders seeking to build a strategy to capture greater synergy between economic growth and more broadly-based progress in living standards in their countries.
  9. Jennifer Brown — Inclusion: Diversity, The New Workplace & The Will To ChangeA book that highlights how to leverage a diverse workforce and implement changes in an organization.
  10. LinkedIn Group: Global Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace — Learn from diversity and inclusion experts about what they are trying, ask questions, and gain more resources.

What are your go-to resources for infusing your company, school, and/or community with diverse representation?



Bethany Hartley

Diversity is a fact. Inclusion is an intentional choice. Articles from the South Bend — Elkhart Region.