June 28: Adapt & Overcome

Published in
2 min readSep 3, 2018

By Sarah Mason

Sometimes I lay awake in bed and question absolutely everything. Why did I start this business? Will this ever get easier? How did I even get here in the first place? How will I sustain my future? Is this even worth it?! “Wins and struggles” have become one of the things I look forward to most in class every week. Having that support and knowing I’m not alone in this help me silence my thoughts at night to get the sleep I need to grind through the next day. Ryan and Will from GotChew were a breath of fresh air. I loved hearing their story and completely related to their journey. They reached success by starting slow but also just went for it. They hit the ground running, didn’t have a background in business, and learn as they go. Proof there’s no such thing as a cookie cutter way to success in the world of entrepreneurship. Everyone’s story is a little different! They also gave us a few helpful tips for our surveys which almost everyone is having a time with. A few valuable takeaways: — Work backwards! Think of what it is you want to find out. Be very specific, what information are you trying to gather, and build your questions around that. — Email addresses are the most valuable thing you can collect from customers or potential customers. — Use your existing network to get surveys out! — Design, test, learn, repeat. And my favorite quote from the day which I think applies to much more than just business and entrepreneurship: ”Adapt and overcome.” Gold. Be true to yourself, adapt and overcome. Words to live by!




Entrepreneurship for All (EforAll) is accelerating economic and social impact through entrepreneurship in mid-sized cities.