Somewhere in the middle…

Published in
2 min readJan 30, 2017

Class is always a little nerve racking but tonight was different. Tonight took more preparation. Tonight felt like a test. Tonight was Mid Pitch. We were warned about Mid Pitch in the beginning of the program. We were told we would set up a table with our wares and information about us. we were told we would be interacting with the public that was invited to the show. We were told that we would have 2.5 minutes to talk about our company and the results of our surveys. All this we were told… and we forgot. We forgot until last week when Jelly (that’s what I call Jeremiah and Shelley) reminded us that we had this to do. We flew into our work the way a delayed flight flies… behind schedule and rushed. Nights were spent working the spoken pitch and days that weren’t spent working were spent gathering materials for the table. Emails and Facebook invites were sent inviting friends and family members. The days before the pitch went much to fast and the Mid Pitch was upon us. We dressed up, gathered our materials and looked at ourselves in the mirror and thought we can do this. Or maybe what we really thought was shit…here we go. Once we got to ground works and set up and looked around at each other a sense of pride filled us. Not just for ourselves but for our other cohort members. We looked great! Tables were set beautifully, people were conversing with the guests with an air of confidence. This is great! Then the time seemed to slide by quickly and before I knew it I heard Jeremiah say clap four times if you can hear me. What! What happened to 1–3? It was time to speak to this audience as a group. No more of this one on one child’s play. And so we did one by one, for better or for worse we were going to present. And like our tables we nailed it. Don’t get me wrong there were some trying moments for some of us, but as a whole it was something to be proud of. The whole night was! We presented our business’ and surveys to a group of partial strangers with knowledge and eloquence. Our cohort rocks




Entrepreneurship for All (EforAll) is accelerating economic and social impact through entrepreneurship in mid-sized cities.