Dear Black Man…

By Ashontè Lyles

In the early hours of the day, before the world wakes up, we see you rise with strength and determination. You carry heavy burdens and face countless challenges head-on. Your eyes reflect the stories of many battles fought. Society may press hard against you, but you stand strong, unyielding, and true.

To our fathers, your unwavering love and wisdom guide us every day. With every lesson, hug, and smile, you show us the meaning of resilience and patience. Your hands have built our dreams, and your courage has shaped our worlds, our hearts, and our homes.

To our husbands, partners, and friends, your love is a constant anchor. You navigate the darkness with passion and warmth, making us feel secure and cherished. Your laughter brings light, and your presence grounds us.

To the fathers of our children, your embrace is where new lives find their beginnings. Your patience and enduring care are invaluable. Despite the world’s heavy hand, your heart remains vast, and your soul stays pure. Your love is steadfast and true.

We know your trials, silent battles, and unseen wounds. Yet you persist, your spirit soaring and your courage inspiring. In you, we see the hope of better things, a future where justice and peace prevail through every act of love and strength you show. We see you, we hear you, and we understand your pain. Your struggles are not in vain.

In our hearts, your light shines brightly, a beacon through life’s toughest moments. With every tear and every smile, you walk with us, helping us grow and stand strong.

We honor you, our steadfast kin, whose light of love is unwavering. Your strength and grace illuminate even the darkest times. We are grateful for the love you’ve given, for every seed of hope you’ve planted. You’ve been there through thick and thin, through every loss and every triumph.

Dear Black men, our appreciation for you will never fade. You give us hope and keep our fears at bay. You are more than words can capture. You carry our dreams and aspirations. With every heartbeat, we express our love for you.

Your strength goes beyond the physical. It lies in the love and resolve within you, a strength of heart and soul that empowers us all. In every challenge, you stand as a beacon, a testament to enduring love and perseverance.

To our fathers, partners, and friends, we cherish you deeply. In every moment and every breath, you are our anchor and our greatest blessing. Your courage and grace are gifts that time cannot diminish. In you, we find our peace and our rest. With you, we know we are blessed beyond measure.

So, dear Black men, this message is for you, a tribute to your strength and a celebration of your heart. You are the greatest part of our lives. For every sacrifice you’ve made, for every tear you’ve shed, we see you, we honor you, and we hold you close. We hope you feel our deep appreciation.

You are our heroes every day, in every quiet, powerful way. You lift us, and our hopes and dreams align with you. In you, the world feels right. With profound gratitude and love, we stand with you.

Dear Black men, with hearts of gold, your love is pure, and your spirit is unbreakable. We see you building paths for all people, paving the way to our ultimate destination. Your work and sacrifices do not go unnoticed. We honor you.

All our love,

The World

Ashonte Lyles

Ashonte Writes

