Southern Crescent Men: Meet Tarik Anderson

Meet Tarik Anderson

Tell the readers who you are and what problem you are solving in your business and/or career? My name is Tarik Anderson small business owner. Husband and father of four three girls and one son and six grandchildren. My why is my wife and family. The problem of my business is that a small black owned business in a billion dollar industry is hard to get exposure and distribution.

How important is having a network for your personal and professional growth? It is important in having a networking community to share ideas and experiences in business. And the things that could work for you the same as other business owners.

Why is this affiliate, SCMEN, a need? SCMEN is a need amongst men for support in one another that would not have been offered freely in today’s business market.

Share how essential having a great partner has been to your success Partnership are essentially great for all businesses do to team buildings opportunities that can not be done alone.

If you are a father, what legacy have you built and what legacy are you continuing to build? How involved is your child(ren) in your business? As a father I am building the foundation and platform for growth through our my family. And giving my children and grandchildren a first hand look on how it can be done.

Share what is next on the horizon for your business? Just preparing a platform to grow and profitable stand points of outlook.

What is one additional item that you want to share with the audience? Dreams don’t have to start big to become successful.

How do the readers connect with you? Online and Facebook: Lobos Cigars/Facebook.

Connect with Tarik at Lobos Cigars on Facebook.

