Southern Crescent Men: Meet William T. James

Meet William T. James

Tell the readers who you are and what problem you are solving in your business and/or career?

My name is William T. James. I’ve been a Self-Employed Structural Engineer since 1999. Not sure if it can be deemed a problem, but I’ve mentored and assisted many fellow Black men and women in this career field over the years. Through mentorship and career development, I’ve played a pivotal role in guiding other Black men and women into the field of engineering and construction.

How important is having a network for your personal and professional growth? The importance of having a great network (both personally and professionally) cannot be overstated. A good network allows for growth and development from like-minded peers, as well as playing a critical role in providing many opportunities for building generational wealth.

Why is this affiliate, SCMEN, a need? SCMEN is needed to provide the exposure for Black professionals to build the relationships (both personally and professionally) which often leads to better business opportunities.

Share how essential having a great partner has been to your success? Although I have limited experience with partnerships, I’ve witnessed some of the advantages that partnerships can provide. Partnerships often allow for better experience and knowledge as well as the ability for limited businesses to gain access to larger and more profitable projects.

If you are a father, what legacy have you built and what legacy are you continuing to build? How involved is your child(ren) in your business? The legacy that I’ve built is one that extends to my two sons as well as extended family members and friends.

Share what is next on the horizon for your business? The next area of business that we geared towards is both residential and commercial development.

What is one additional item that you want to share with the audience? Always keep your business as simple as possible, and do not be afraid of hard work — it pays off!

How do the readers connect with you? Social Media

