Bill would grant paid sick leave to New Mexico workers

By WALTER RUBEL/ Southern New Mexico Journalism Collaborative

LAS CRUCES, N.M. — Doña Ana County resident Blanca Tovar said because of her asthma, she decided not to go to work this year in the chile fields and pecan orchards for fear of what might happen if she were to get infected with COVID-19.

“Due to this epidemic, my family and I decided that I should not work because we knew that if I got sick, I would have no rights,” she said.

Tovar was speaking at a virtual news conference organized by NM CAFé, a faith-based social advocacy group, in support of legislation to be sponsored in the upcoming session by Rep. Angelica Rubio, D-Las Cruces, that would require employers to provide paid sick leave to their employees.

Rubio said the bill has not yet been drafted, but the details are pretty straightforward. Unlike the state minimum wage bill, it would apply equally to all workers, including seasonal farm workers like Tovar.

Workers would earn one hour of paid sick leave for every 30 hours they work, up to 56 hours in a year.

“People shouldn’t have to choose between their health and employment,” Rubio said. “Now that we’re in a global pandemic, people are being asked to stay home. But essential workers have to work. They have no other way to sustain an income.

“When we can set up a mechanism for businesses to support their workers and vice versa, everyone wins.”

Rob Black, president and CEO of the New Mexico Chamber of Commerce (formerly ACI), said he couldn’t discuss the bill until he sees the specifics. But he said the chamber would oppose anything that adds to the costs of New Mexico businesses who are already struggling with restrictive shutdowns.

“New Mexico businesses are carrying the costs of this pandemic, with all the shutdowns,” Black said. “It would be fundamentally unfair to ask them to pay even more.”

He said that any paid sick leave bill should be funded by the state, not the employers.

Rubio said she expects her bill to face strong opposition.

“This bill is going to be one of the main bills opposed by the chambers of commerce. I knew that going in,” she said.

Rubio said her intent is to start the discussion, and she hopes those in the business community will at least participate.

“I’m trying to find a solution,” she said. “If they have something better than what’s being proposed, I’m open to having those discussions.”

Sen. Bill Soules, D-Las Cruces, speaking during the virtual press conference, said they need to be clear about the costs of the bill for business owners, but also highlight its benefits.

“I think it’s important that we recognize that this does add an early cost for businesses, but it only represents about a 2 ½ percent salary increase for those workers to get the equivalent of paid sick leave, which is pretty small compared to the amount of lost business when people are so sick that this miss multiple days, when they get other employees at the business sick,” Soules said.

He said the bill would give workers more security and make them more loyal to the business, reducing turnover and creating a more positive work environment.

“Businesses need to look at it that way, rather than just, ‘How much work can I get cheaply from all my workers,’” he said.

Rep. Joanne Ferrary, D-Las Cruces, is vice chairwoman of the House Health and Human Services Committee. She said it is a public health imperative that people stay home when they are sick.

“For people not to have that paid time off, they’re apt to go back to work sick,” she said. “That’s bad for the people they’re working with, and the people they’re serving. We need to make sure they don’t need to compromise their own health, as well as the health of others.”

Rubio said this will be the first time the Legislature considers a bill offering paid sick leave to private-sector employees. She said they are still working out details of the bill involving enforcement. They don’t want to place more of a burden on the Department of Workforce Solutions, which has been swamped with unemployment claims since the start of the pandemic.

“This is an evolution from a number of bills,” Rubio said. “A lot of us have been talking about workers having dignity and basic rights for a long time.”

The session is scheduled to start. Jan. 19 in Santa Fe. Because of the pandemic, many if not all of the meetings will be conducted virtually. Lawmakers can begin prefiling legislation on Jan. 4.

Walter Rubel can be reached at



Diana Alba-Soular
Southern New Mexico Journalism Collaborative

Southern NM Project Coordinator for the New Mexico Local News Fund | Freelance Writer & Journalist | Chile Lover | Dog Mom