Jonathan Cardwell
Southern Poly English 1102–12PM
3 min readMar 9, 2015


Annotated Bibliography: Cyber Security Laws & Regulations

Jonathan Cardwell


English comp. 2

ALBANESIUS, C. (2015). Why 2015 May Be the Year We Solve Net Neutrality. PC Magazine, 12–17.

Chloe Albanesuis, the author of the powerpoint talks about net neutrality and cases pertaining to net neutrality. The powerpoint goes into what net neutrality is, which is having it where companies keep their websites at a constant load rate compared to other companies. Miss Albanesuis goes into what companies think about net neutrality and who should have the reins to monitor and control it. She talks about court case with the FCC and the outcomes. Also went into how Wheeler of FCC was trying to create internet fast lanes. What Obama thinks about net neutrality and what should be done. U.S. Congress ability to create net neutrality laws talked about and what laws they tried getting past.

Chloe Albanesuis takes a mostly non-bias view of net neutrality she states the cases and facts surrounding it clearly. The issue with her powerpoint is that provides fact but not information. What I mean is that she state what happens clearly but she doesn’t provide complete quotes making me question whether she is giving us the whole statement or her own take on what she read or heard.

HERTHER, N. K. (2014). U.S. Moving to End Its Role in Internet Oversight by 2015. Information Today, 31(4), 9.
Nancy K. Herther talks about how the government of the U.S. is moving to ended its oversight by 2015. She talks about how the NTIA is trying to make the key domains apart of the global community. The article goes into remembering what the internet used to be and how simple it was. Miss Herther also goes into the politic of what the U.S. has been doing with the internet and the fear that they may have a hand in the plumbing making it easier for them to spy on other countries.

Miss Herther article is bias but factual at the same time. She states her views before her facts, causing her opinion to be supported by her facts. This makes the article hard to take at face value when reading it. Her facts are widely explain thoroughly and given multiple example or quotes to support them.


Judy Greenwald talks about how the Sony hack in 2014 got the President of the U.S. and the Republican party working closer together. She goes on to talking about how the government and companies should work together to make the populace safer from cyber hacks. She explains her point through quotes from top government officials and company heads. She takes quotes from people who believe the government should not control the security of the internet and also that we have lose some privacy to get this type of security.

Judy Greenwald’s essay about the future hope on comprising with cyber security legislation is short and simple. It does not provide a lot of information on future legislation or future compromises between the companies and government. It provides multiple quotes but most of the are conjectures on what should be done and not on what will be done. The information provide is lackluster to say the least when looking for information that pertains to cyber security legislation.

Special report: Cyber security — In a rights pickle. (2015). Lawyer, 1.

The article goes on about how companies are torn between security and privacy. It goes on talking about a bill that is being introduced that called The Counter-Terrorism and Security bill that force websites to have customers or views ip address be available for the government and allows the government to control media accesses of these individuals. The article talks about the ramifications of what would happen if this bill passes and what does mean to the internet community.

The article is very informing about The Counter-Terrorism and Security bill. It explains it very simply, while also going into great detail about how the bill will affect the internet community and what new possible tenants or legislation websites will have to abide by. The information used can be considered creditable do to most of the information comes from multiple different lawyers who have read up on the bill supposedly. This article is very useful in gauging on where the U.S. is going on Cyber Security laws and what ramifications that means to the internet community.

