Analysis of New York Times

Hannah Patterson
Southern Poly English 1102–9AM
4 min readFeb 11, 2015

Protesters express their distress

The New York Times is well known and approved by many. It is a corporation with world class journalist that has been around since 1851 and awarded one-hundred fourteen Pulitzer Prize. With New York Times being such a credible source, it can easily gain the loyalty of viewers when it chooses a side on a matter.

In an article published by New York Times on January 27, 2015 composed by the associate press, it is revealed that the 43 Mexican college students who have been missing for four months were declared dead. However, the evidence supporting this declaration was not strong enough for the family members of the missing to believe so. New York Times refuses to support the declaration of the Mexican sources, because their claims are under supported. New York Times may even be implying the possibility that these students are still alive. The journalist quite openly debates statements made by the Mexican government and investigators. Revealing a bias against the Mexican government.

New York Times channels the logical appeal of readers by presenting the argument that the evidence provided is not enough to support the claim of the investigators. This causes readers to assume these investigators are just as corrupt as the government officials, who are suspected to be involve in the crime. Not only because the investigators sole piece of evidence is the DNA sample of one student and unidentifiable ashes, but also because the former mayors wife is a suspect in the investigation, it is fair that New York Times is distrusting of the government.

In addition to using facts to persuade reader to their point of view New York Times uses pathos by informing readers of the hopes of family member of the missing and protesters. They have persuaded empathetic and compassionate readers to their side very easily.

They criticize the slow movement of the government. They also judge Jesus Murillo Karam, the attorney general of Mexico. Karam claims there was no evidence of involvement of the army. He says that the abductors were gang members, who were unaware that the group was a group of students. They believed the students were a rival gang, so they took action by burning the students and dumping there remains in a river. New York Times begs to differ. They say that many locals know very well that the group was made up of student. Also, they doubt the claims of Jesus Murillo Karam. They portray him to be suspicion worthy due to his association with the Mexican government.

Although New York Time has chosen a side, they still entertain the opposing argument. New York Times “Begs the question.” Say for instance the Mexican sources are correct. Why would the Gang believe the students to be opposing gang members? The reason for the cold crime is not evident. The entire assumption that the students are no longer living is based upon the identification of one student’s DNA that was found. Surely investigators are on to something. With such a strong claim, it is possible that more is known than what is being revealed to the public. It is suspected that the Mexican government is involved in both the disappearance and lack of information being revealed.The evidence lies in the government and investigators statements, which don’t quite match up.The claims are not exactly limited, because very little fact is available.

In a more recent article published on January 7, 2015, New York Times confirms a new and more reliable source, Argentinian investigators. They explicitly state that the claim provided an insignificant amount of evidence, evidence too insignificant to claim all he students are dead. The new source reveals that satellite images prove the dump, where the alleged ashes of the students were discovered, could be housing the ashes of anyone. Fires took place in the same dump in 2010. The remains of dentures were discovered in the dump. None of the missing students wore dentures. This means the claims of Mexican sources are beginning to add up less and less.

Through the presence and the lack of information, New York Times manages to keep readers up to date on newest discoveries and information released. The information given is proven to be accurate most facts that were given were verified by, commercial broadcast network, NBC. It Appeased Ethos appeal by Maintaining its well known reputation for both reliability and currency. The New York Times is a credible news source.

