Child Soldiers according to

Cj Mabe
Southern Poly English 1102–9AM
5 min readFeb 12, 2015

Children of war, something that should never be said. Children are children, new to the world and shouldn’t be made to face the challenges of war. One company has dedicated their existence to helping children of war and child soldiers around the world. My source is to me a valid and reliable source of information for this topic. Children forced to become soldiers is normally unheard of in all cultures, children are the future who we mold into adults that will make the world a better place. is there to help stop armies from taking children and forcing them to carry out this responsibility of the world and war. They take their childhood from them forcing them to grow up before their time. Their organization keeps their information consistent and they keep it factual. They give facts about the issue and layout their whole project to you so there are no secrets. They supply evidence from a world stand point, they have their organization in several countries and raise money to help these children who are victims of war and cause to be part of it. They put their text together in a way that flows and gives you a sense of knowledge of what is going on and better helps you understand the topic. The main reason I picked this as my source is because their information matches up with other sources and they are an organization that tries to solve the issue and find a solution. In this way they are more committed to getting the information across so they may gain support of the people. They give main points of what their message is and also back it up with facts and numbers to support their information.

When looking at a source you must make sure it is reliable and that the information they are giving you can be taken for fact. With the five points of

credibility I would rank the most important as accuracy. My source is a national group that’s sole purpose is to help children who are forced to become soldiers and children who are victims of war, in this way their information must be as informational as possible. They give a history of their company and their page is very well put together. They keep their information updated on a regular basis so that you can keep up with everything that is going on. Their accuracy is pretty spot on and to me that makes this a fairly reliable source.

Next on checking the credibility of my source I looked at their coverage. This source covers a lot of information and their organization stretches around the world. Their information covers all areas of the topic and even tells you how you can help the cause. Their coverage is wide and somewhat to wide because it can lead you off topic to what you are mainly focusing on. Next for credibility I would have to say it is currency. Since my source is updated all the time, I would say that it is very current and up to date. My source is fairly new and so there is question on the credibility, but the way they get their information across supply facts to back their idea up. They keep their information current and strong so that they can pursued their audience to support them.

More over, the objectivity of the source is the next in importance. Their information is fact based and they give statistics along with charts and graphs to back their statements. They are a charitable organization and don’t have advertisements or ads on their site. They have the only copyright to their source and are a nonprofit organization. Looking at all their information and their sources and background, they give a clear objective and have the means to prove what they want to say and get their point across about child soldiers and children of war. Their funding only comes from donations and people working with the group.

Moving on, the last of importance for credibility would have to be authority. My source is a responsible group striving to attain a better world for children where they aren’t forced to become soldiers in a corrupt world. They have received many site of the day awards for their work. They are a fairly well known group that has a strong message and a passionate idea. They do their best to insure the lives of children all over the world are safe from war. They are a source and company that is here to stay and insure a better life for kids around the world.

Overall, when looking at the five points of credibility of my source, I would say that they meet everyone. My source has good coverage, a good objective, strong authority, great coverage, up to date currency and spot on accuracy. This source is a good source to find what you are looking for to learn more about children of war and child soldiers.

When looking at source I did find some rhetorical properties, I found properties regarding emotion such as showing pictures of child soldiers and kids suffering from war, and I found claims of reason and evidence. They give evidence of why it is bad and what you can do and reason why you should care or help. The rhetorical properties mostly fall into Toulmin and appeals. This is because the appeals part is based on emotion and logical thinking. It fits into this type of properties. These are good Properties to have in the source because it gives the reader a sense of direction in which the source is heading.

Overall this is a good source and I would recommend to use this source for learning more about child soldiers and children of war. It is a reliable source that has many properties and aspects that set it off as a good source.

