Meet the Clean Team

South Park BID
Published in
2 min readNov 30, 2017

Originally published 7/21/17

Vanessa Palomino works as a Driver for SPBID’s Clean Team

Since 2005, we’ve partnered with the Los Angeles Conservation Corps for the beautification and maintenance of South Park’s sidewalks, alleys, and other public areas. Corpsmembers are 18-to-24 year olds who receive help finishing high school, college and career skills coaching, and scholarships, in addition to paid on-the-job training.

We sat down with Vanessa Palomino, a Clean Team Driver who’s been with South Park for 9 months, to chat about working for the Corps and South Park.

Why did you join the clean team?

I joined the clean team because I enjoy helping people and this role allows me to do that. Another reason is that the hours are very flexible which works to my advantage because I am currently attending college and studying fire science.

What characteristics are important to a Corpsmember in South Park?

They need to have passion for helping people because someone who has no passion will view this work as only cleaning. When you have a passion for this you view it in a positive way. They must have motivation and determination to continue to do this job every single day. Finally, they need to be ready to learn and grow.

What do you like most about working in South Park?

Interacting with residents. Especially when they say hi, and notice the work that we’re doing.

You mentioned growth; how have you grown in this job?

When I started I was really shy and not very talkative, but my leadership skills have grown. I’m much more talkative, confident, and happier. I spoke at the last BID Board Meeting, and I’m showing my true colors.

Victor Gonzalez, South Park’s Community Enhancement Coordinator and Clean Team Supervisor, had this to add: “Vanessa started here as a regular Corpsmember and was promoted to a Driver. She is a very good worker who shows a lot of enthusiasm and commitment. She is open to learning and trying new things to better herself, and is always asking questions to ensure that her work is properly done. She also takes the lead in training new Corpsmembers.”

We’re lucky to have Vanessa as part of our Clean Team. When you see her around South Park, say hello! If you have questions about the Clean Team, contact Katie Kiefer, Director of Operations, or submit a service request here.

Special thanks to Katherine Amaya, who conducted this interview while interning with SPBID as a Coro Youth Fellow.

