5 Ways to Supercharge Your Marketing With One Method

Sam Walsh
Published in
4 min readMay 3, 2018

Struggling to create an awesome product is difficult. Having an awesome product but struggling to market it well is a disaster…

The biggest issue with new startup founders (and even the more experienced ones) is a failure to create creative, engaging, and different marketing strategy that lives up the months and years spent developing their business.

I’m going to give you 5 simple yet incredibly effective ways to supercharge your marketing strategy with only one method, but first the reason why most marketing lacks creativity.

Plan A Bias

Founders come up with a marketing strategy that they feel communicates value well to their audience. The problem arises with not exploring other avenues for potentially exponentially better marketing ideas and content. Over time the more married you get to your first idea the more set in stone it becomes, and voila! Plan A it is.

How To Beat Plan A Bias: (MFU)x5

A simple exercise to get you and your team out of your comfort zone to discover new highly creative marketing ideas is to use a method called ‘More Fucked Up x5’. You take your original marketing idea, and then ask “what’s more fucked up?” then that becomes the new marketing idea. Once again you say “what’s more fucked up?” then that becomes the new marketing idea. You do this five times, and the final scenario you arrive at is a creative mass of (often) inappropriate crazy energy that often is highly effective as viral content.

Marketing Gym Water With More Fucked Up x5

Here’s an example of More Fucked Up x5 in action:

You know those giant water bottles for people that go to the gym? Lets call them ‘Gallon Bottles’. Usually Gallon Bottles are seen in marketing material in the hands of a really jacked guy or girl (target audience), possibly a steroid user, that’s covered in sweat after a big workout. Not very creative content. Not very original content. Here’s how you can brainstorm creative possibilities with the MFUx5 Method:

Plan A: Big steroid user alone at the gym working out with his Gallon Bottle.

Whats More Fucked Up? 1: Big steroid user working out in the gym with his Gallon Bottle. The gym is empty except for one other really small guy. (juxtaposition)…

Whats More Fucked Up? 2: Big steroid user working out in the gym with his Gallon Bottle. The gym is empty except for an 85 year old grandma working out in cotton clothes and a wool sweater.

Whats More Fucked Up? 3: Big steroid user working out in the gym with his Gallon Bottle. The gym is empty except for an 85 year old grandma. She keeps looking at him disapprovingly due to his attire and choice of loud heavy metal music.

Whats More Fucked Up? 4: Big steroid user working out in the gym with his Gallon Bottle. The gym is empty except for an 85 year old grandma. She keeps looking at him disapprovingly due to his attire and choice of loud heavy metal music. They begin fighting over the water fountain. Every time he finishes an exercise and tries to walk over to the water fountain to fill up his Gallon Bottle she jumps off the treadmill and takes his turn at the fountain so he can’t fill his bottle. The big guy get more and more angry as this continues and the rivalry heats up.

Whats More Fucked Up? 5: Big steroid user working out in the gym with his Gallon Bottle. The gym is empty except for an 85 year old grandma. She keeps looking at him disapprovingly due to his attire and choice of loud heavy metal music. They begin fighting over the water fountain. Every time he finishes an exercise and tries to walk over to the water fountain to fill up his Gallon Bottle she jumps off the treadmill and takes his turn at the fountain so he can’t fill his bottle. The big guy get more and more angry as this continues and the rivalry heats up. The third time he goes to walk over to the water fountain the grandma jumps off the treadmill, and the big guy throws the Gallon Bottle hitting her in the head and knocking her over! She aggressively stands up and reaches to pick up the bottle to throw back at the guy, only she cant lift it for some reason. The big guy picks up his bottle smugly while the Grandma looks on in disbelief and the narrator says “Gallon Bottles: Made for the Big”. The big guy fills up his bottle, having won the battle, and the war.

Why does this work so well? The method helps you quickly get far away from your Plan A marketing strategy, and conceive ideas you would have never previously dreamt of. Its also great for refining product market fit in your marketing message.

So next time your team struggles to come up with create marketing ideas or your stuck on your Plan A: Give MFUx5 a try!



Sam Walsh

Growth hacker, Storyteller, Full Stack Marketer, and Creative Innovator. Builder of apps, websites, products, and pitches