Infuse / Inspire Sessions in Design Thinking Workshops

Alexander Lenhart
sovanta — Design Lab
3 min readSep 12, 2019


At one of our last projects we were asked to design a new B2B event app. It should be used to get information about the different events. The scope of the project was not 100% clear yet, so we started with a DesignThinking-Workshop. Part of this Workshop was to include a infuse/inspire session.

Like in all other projects as well, when creating a B2B event app for a customer you should inspire yourself (as a UX Designer) and of course the customer to catch the potentials! This inspiration, especially at the beginning of a project, leads to a total new vision of the application. Additionally this inspiration creates a more focused common picture of a great user experience in going through an important business event.

Time for inspiration research

When getting started in a DesignThinking-Workshop we take time to research for the state-of-the-art best practices for experiencing an event. In a first step it doesn’t matter what kind of event you are looking for. You can also transfer assets from a e.g. music festival to a “conservative” B2B-event, to make it more sympathetic and charming.

What we research is:

  • Displaying and structuring complex content and
  • Animations and transitions of different sections
  • Interaction design concepts
  • Product and mood videos

Sources of research

We use different resources to approach the best solution for our project and customer:

  •, for design, animations, interactions, mood
  • the website of the customer/operator to check its own content structure
  • event-applications of competitors in the same branch
  • event-applications of total different branches to see what else is possible

The result

Inspiring use cases for an event app in a short example video

and many more …

The presentation and the effect to the customer

Especially in a DesignThinking Workshop it’s fundamental to feel excited and get inspired when diving into a complex project.

After a short introduction in the workshop we start with the presentation for the inspire session.
You will most likely recoginize that this triggers a lot of people to start to note down their own ideas that would fit into the project. It is like a refreshment for the customer that might not be in touch with UX assets every day. After the short presentation you don’t have to keep on moderating – the customer will start to tell you his own “new” vision.

And the positive side effect: even though the budget is (initially) not planned for this vision, more and more often the customer will make it possible to fulfill this vision with a new additional budget.

