MetaMUI 7.0: New features implemented

Sovereign Wallet Network
2 min readJul 14, 2022
Two new features were implemented on MetaMUI 7.0

MetaMUI mainnet 7.0 was successfully implemented on June 20th at 17:27:05 (UTC+8). New features were implemented and activated at the block height
9,213,361. Our blockchain enables a real-time upgrade without pausing or shutting down the network, so while the upgrade was taking place, there was no issue with depositing and withdrawing $MMUI to exchanges and sending transactions using the blockchain.

Here are new features listed below:

  1. Staking feature for node validators — Bank Nodes (Node Validators of MetaMUI) need to stake a certain amount of $MMUI to join the network as a node validator. In every block creation, a leader Bank Node will propose a new block, and other Bank Nodes will act as endorsers. If the leader node fails to produce a block proposal or has no block announcement within 5 seconds, the leader node’s locked bond will be slashed.
  2. Memo feature of token transfer for the Yidindji CBDC system — last January, the Sovereign Yidindji Government (SYG) and MetaMUI team successfully launched the “Sovereign Yidindji Dollar (SYD)” on MetaMUI Blockchain. Now, the people of the SYG can use their wallets, the Yidindji SSID Wallet provided by the MetaMUI team, to send and receive SYD. The MetaMUI team also implemented the Memo feature to the mainnet 7.0 to expand the SYD use cases.

Our team is consistently upgrading our mainnet and implementing new features to our CBDC platform to become a real working CBDC blockchain platform. Please visit the links below if you want to hear our upcoming news.

Thank you.

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Sovereign Wallet Network

We are striving towards 'Paperless 100%'—a fully digitized social infrastructure encompassing currency, identity, asset, certificate, and tokenized security.