Balarama Purnima

3 min readAug 12, 2022


Balarama Jayanti marks the birth of Lord Balarama, the elder brother of Lord Krishna. Lord Balarama is the ‘swamsa’ expansion of the Lord, meaning he has unlimited potency. Therefore there is no difference in potency between Krishna and Balarama. The only difference is their bodily structure. As the first expansion of the Godhead, Balarama is the chief deity and the foremost assistant of Sri Krishna in his transcendental activities.

When Gargamuni performed the name-giving ceremony for Krishna and Balarama, he informed and awarded three names to the son of Rohini, namely Balarama, Sankarsana, and Baladeva. Lord Balarama is the eternal companion of Sri Krishna. He came as Lakshmana with Rama and later as Nityananda Prabhu with Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He is the original spiritual master, and anyone desiring to make spiritual progress must first get the mercy of Lord Balarama. Directly we cant approach Krishna, only through Balarama can we approach the supreme lord Krishna. The spiritual master represents the true representation of Balaram. He is the source of the entire spiritual world and is the adi-guru, the original spiritual master.

Sankarsna is the master of integration and disintegration. Sankarsana creates this forgetfulness. He is the immediate cause of the entire material cosmic manifestation. He is the force of gravity and attracts everything to himself. He is the core of spiritual strength. He is the protector of the devotees. Sankarsana who is transcendental pure goodness is a partial expansion of Nityananda Balarama. Balarama’s personal feature, Maha-Sankarsana, is the spiritual energy shelter. He is the primary cause, the cause of all causes. Balarama, also known as Baladeva, is the reservoir of Spiritual Strength.

Lord Balarama is always present by the side of the Lord. In the Svetadvipa, within every universe is a ‘Sesa’ form of Godhead who serves Vishnu by assuming the form of His umbrella, slippers, couch, pillows, garments, residence, sacred thread, throne and so on. Lord Baladeva in Kṛṣṇaloka is Nityananda Prabhu. Therefore Nityananda Prabhu is the original Sankarsana, and Maha-Sankarsana and His expansions as the ‘purusas’ in the universes are plenary expansions of Nityananda Prabhu. Lord Balarama exemplifies the service attitude to Krishna. His only mission is to please Krishna by rendering service to Him, whether in creating the material worlds, maintaining the spiritual world or as His personal paraphernalia.

How to observe?

One can fast till noon on this auspicious day and render service to the eternal pair of Krishna and Balarama.

List of Past Times Of Lord Balarama

Balarama slays demon Dhenukasura, Balarama kills Pralambasura, Balarama was always glorified by Krishna, Yamuna Devi was chastised when she did not give way for Balarama, Kauravas chastised when they had captured Samba, Balarama marries Revati,Balarama became angry at Bhima for killing Duryodhana by trickery, but was appeased by Sri Krishna, Killing of Romaharshana for not representing Vyasdev properly.



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SOciety for Vedic Exploration and Spiritual Advancement, BITS Pilani.