4 min readAug 2, 2022


We are excited to inform you that we are starting a new article series, The Basic Principles of Spirituality. Regardless of who we are, we must follow some basic rules to start advancing in spirituality. Although we all know there are many rules and regulations in hardcore spiritual life, there are some basic principles that everyone must follow. Let us explore the need for regulation in this article.

Regulation in simple terms is defined as a rule or directive made and maintained by an authority. So let us explain the need for regulation in these terms. It is the duty of nature to punish those who go against the laws of nature. Just like certain laws exist to maintain the smooth functioning of the state, there are certain rules set by nature to preserve the order of the world. So, the question is why follow regulations? It is simple. They are necessary to live a happy and contended life. Some may argue that it is a matter of belief, but what we wish to say here is that irrespective of whether you believe or not, that fire burns, it burns. And the spiritual regulations in life are made by the authority called God.

And we would also like to let you know the difference between sane and insane. In life, we are bound to experience hardships no matter what. No one wants to be sad but it is forced on us. No man wants to get bedridden after a disease, but still, that’s how life works. So these so-called hardships are inevitable, but the difference between sane and insane is that the sane takes the bitter medicine and stays healthy while the insane take the sweet poison and suffer more. So when certain regulations are followed it helps us to live our lives in a better manner. An animal’s life is completely controlled by nature,the actions it performs are only motivated by eating, sleeping, mating, and defending, it has no higher intelligence like men, to see beyond this repetitive process and attain higher pleasures. To avoid the miseries in life while a man can. So when a man is provided with the necessary intelligence for regulation, it is for his freedom he must follow it.

Now let us explain what we meant when we say freedom by regulation. Nowadays we hear things like these. I cannot get proper sleep unless I drink some alcohol, I cannot survive a day without smoking, no matter how much I try I cannot stop watching pornographic content, and I cannot break the habit of visiting casinos even though I am broke, I must get high twice a day every day. So how can one be free when he is forced to live in a certain way? Let us not judge the habits, just observe the external force in life because of these habits which are like shackles. So unless there is proper regulation there cannot be freedom. It is only an illusion that we are experiencing better freedom. If we are servants of our senses, if they are dictating us, then our freedom is nothing but an illusion

rāga-dveṣa-vimuktais tu
viṣayān indriyaiś caran
ātma-vaśyair vidheyātmā
prasādam adhigacchati

But a person free from all attachment and aversion and able to control his senses through regulative principles of freedom can obtain the complete mercy of the Lord. (BG 2.64)

In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna confirms the importance of controlling the senses. The Srimad Bhagavatam also explains about four pillars of dharma which are cleanliness, austerity, mercy, and truthfulness. The four activities which break the four pillars of dharma are

1. No meat eating
2. No illicit sex
3. No gambling
4. No intoxication

Dharma can be addressed as the nature of reality, it is an order set by the Supreme Lord. Adharma is just its opposite. So anyone who are not following the law will be punished. Let us see what is meant by not following the law. If one engages in gambling more and more, his mind cultivates the idea of lying, it will no longer accept the truth of earning money through hard work, so the tendency to lie often increases, oh! A pillar is broken. When we go to a meat shop we can find that an animal is killed right before our eyes with blood spilling out and it crying out loud when one can’t mercy for an animal getting killed and eating it even after contemplating the fact that it is being killed mercilessly, how can he be merciful, one more pillar! When unclean thoughts like illicit affairs and pornography run in mind how can one have a clean mind and austere while dancing with four legs after alcohol? So now every pillar is gone!

Although in a common man’s life these things are often referred to as recreational, when enjoyed in a regulated way and also common among different cultures. But one who aims to achieve a higher purpose in life needs to give up these things for good. Don’t worry! let us see in this series how to achieve the regulation.



Editor for

SOciety for Vedic Exploration and Spiritual Advancement, BITS Pilani.