5 min readSep 24, 2021


Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from our actions. We have the option to choose our actions, and every action touches on some chord that will vibrate in eternity. Which action to take, which chord to vibrate…let’s find out.

Rohan, a man of 48 years old, lived with his family in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. He was a software engineer in a multi-national company and earned a good living. He used to get up early in the morning, read newspaper and had tea with a beautiful atmosphere around his home. His kids obeyed him and he often spent quality time with his family. Moreover, Rohan was a hardworking employee and therefore, was praised regularly by his boss. Overall, his life was generally well settled and peaceful. However, on certain days he used to get annoyed due to family issues or lapses in his office work. He thinks that although he is happy, most of the time this happiness comes in short packets and then evaporates. Even though he has everything, he lacks everlasting happiness.

Where is the missing link? Aren't there many Rohans’ around us, or the more pressing question is- aren't we the same as Rohan. It is a known fact that whatever we are doing, be it education, work, relationships or recreation- we are doing it for our happiness. Is there anything wrong with seeking happiness? certainly not, as we are born to be happy. Then why are we not eternally happy? We get our answer by analyzing the happiness spectrum.

According to the happiness spectrum, there are 5 tributaries of Happiness- Sensual, Sexual, Mental, Intellectual and Spiritual pleasure. It is to note that each tributary has varying ends, parameters being level of satisfaction and longevity.

For the time being, lets return to our story on Rohan. Rohan gets up in the morning to a beautiful view. He had good food and wore good clothes. Now if we observe closely, all these things are related to our senses. Eyes enables us to see beautiful things, foods are delicious because of sense of tongue and it feels good to touch soft and smooth things. Therefore, these kinds of pleasure fall under sensual pleasure. Since our senses are imperfect, the happiness derived from it is also imperfect, and hence not everlasting.

Similarly, Rohan had a stable married life, his children obeyed and respected him, and he got regular appraisals from his office. These all experiences which made Rohan happy, falls under Sexual, Mental and Intellectual pleasure respectively. Since these kind of pleasure falls under material pleasure and material things has an end, the happiness derived from it also has end. Another characteristic of material pleasure is that it is of diminishing nature. For example, if Rohan buys a car, initially he will feel a sense of accomplishment and success. However, this feeling will vanish with time, as we have seen in our day to day experiences. Relatable…isn't it?

So where is the missing link in the lives of many a Rohan? It is spiritual pleasure. Vedic scripture define spiritual pleasure as the real pleasure; a pleasure which feeds the soul, a pleasure which looks inside and not outside and essentially, a pleasure which lasts eternally.

Before deep diving into spiritual happiness, we must know what is soul. We can understand it in these terms…we refer to our cars as ‘my’ car, house as ‘my’ house, even in the case of our body parts- we refer to it as ‘my’ hands and so on. But what is ‘my’? who is that ‘I’? That ‘I’, is the soul. Soul…a word which puts us into a world of stories, a word which is more often connected with myth rather than reality. Soul…thought of as a philosophy with no logical backing. But spirituality is advanced science, and science always comes with logic.

Many scientists have tried to find the reason behind life. However, all we know today is that a living entity is called alive because it has symptoms of life. For example- we call an entity living if moves, grows, reproduces etc. But, what enables these processes? The answer here is that the a living body has consciousness, and dead body does not. Furthermore, consciousness is the symptom of the soul, which is a proof that we are alive. Therefore, it is the soul which is eternal and never dies. It just changes bodies, like we change clothes. We, in general terms call this changing of clothes as the process of birth and death.

Spiritual happiness is the happiness that we attain at the level of our soul. We are souls, so when our soul is happy we are happy. Since, the soul is eternal , the happiness at that level is also eternal. The only way to stay happy forever is to realize that we are a spirit soul and act accordingly.

If practiced sincerely, spiritual happiness has the potency to give actual satisfaction. It feeds the soul, the nourishment being the holy name of Krishna.

Attaining spiritual happiness requires perseverance in utmost devotion. Guaranteeing spiritual happiness is a false claim but, if correct knowledge is provided, we will reach our destination- the supreme godhead. This is what is stated in Srimad Bhagavad Gita.

yo ’ntaḥ-sukho ’ntar-ārāmas

tathāntar-jyotir eva yaḥ

sa yogī brahma-nirvāṇaṁ

brahma-bhūto ’dhigacchati

This shloka (BG 5.24) says- One whose happiness is within, who is active and rejoices within, and whose aim is inward is actually the perfect mystic. He is liberated in the Supreme, and ultimately he attains the Supreme.

The process of attaining spiritual happiness is quite easy. The only pre-requisite is to have faith on Krishna. And one of the most essential part of this process is to chant the Hare Krishna mantra, also known as the Maha-Mantra. What is Maha-Mantra? Why it is essential?

Well, these questions have answers which are concepts in themselves. We will be covering them extensively later in the series. According to you, at which level of the spectrum you are currently present on? Where do you want to reach? Comment answers to these questions if you could figure them out.

It’s time to ponder upon such questions. Till then, HARE KRISHNA!

