3 min readOct 2, 2021


Never have I dealt with anything more difficult than my own lost soul…

After reaching to the conclusion that the main goal of human life is to attain happiness, the question which arises is what is the kind of happiness we are seeking. In our life we are bound to experience both joy and miseries i.e., they are forced upon us. Nobody wants to experience misery but he is sure to experience it. On the same lines, everybody wants to be happy but no one is satisfied even after getting it.

As explained before: The four kinds of happiness which arise due to senses, mind and intelligence, are temporary. These senses, mind and intelligence are material. The happiness which arises due to material things is temporary because the material objects are temporary in nature. For further classification, the outer body which is made up of five elements is called the gross body and our mind, intelligence and ego are called the subtle body.

Beyond the gross and subtle body- There is a soul. This is something that is not material. There is no endurance for the material things and no cessation for the soul. It is eternal. Death is something that everyone fears of but in reality, there is no death for us since we are eternal spiritual souls only covered up with the material body.

Let us take an example of a chariot of five horses into consideration to understand this advanced science. The five horses can be compared to the five senses. The rope which the jockey holds reflects the mind, the jockey of the chariot reflects the intelligence and the person inside it reflects the soul. To travel in the right path the person in the chariot should control the jockey, the jockey, in turn, the rope he is holding and the rope controls the horses. Five senses are superior to dull matter, mind is superior to the five senses. Intelligence is superior to the mind and the soul which is the self is superior to intelligence. The higher self should control the lower self. If the direction of control is reversed, the balance gets disturbed and we become unhappy.

The senses are so strong that they can forcibly carry away the mind to satisfy them and thus by indulging in sense pleasures one forgets his true self. But to control the senses we need a steadfast intelligence that can control the senses by controlling the mind.

With senses we gain the ability to hear, touch, smell, see and taste. With the mind we feel, think and will and with intelligence, we can discriminate. But when we are deluded from these things, we forget ourselves. We are consciousness absolute, knowledge absolute and bliss absolute. Absolute means something which is free from all dualities. The material world is full of dualities such as killing and saving but in the spiritual world, there are no dualities. We will discuss more upon this in our next blog. This is our true nature. This soul carries the force of our thoughts at the time of death. We change different bodies just like our body changes different clothes. Our consciousness and thought force at the time of death decides our next body.

Once we accept a body, we are bound to undergo the problems of life which are birth, death, old age and disease. This material world is full of miseries and everything is temporary. Everybody dies no matter how rich or poor, everybody will suffer with old age and disease. Now the questions which may arise are how to escape from this miserable situation? Is there any way to get out of this repeated cycle of birth and death? How to experience the spiritual happiness which is as discussed earlier is non-temporary and the highest happiness?

These will be answered in the next article about our relationship with Krishna. Till then, Hare Krishna!

