The Underlying Principle

Jeet Singhania
3 min readSep 4, 2021


hazāroñ ḳhvāhisheñ aisī ki har ḳhvāhish pe dam nikle
bahut nikle mere armān lekin phir bhī kam nikle

Photo by Austin Schmid on Unsplash

Ever wondered why there are so many types of people, each with their own interests, inclinations, hobbies, goals and aims? Why do we even have ambitions? And if we do, then why so much variegatedness?

Understanding the answers to these questions, or even one of these questions, will enable us to understand ourselves. To understand the reason for the cravings, desires and longings that I’m pretty sure all of us have.

Are you wondering what could be the possible answer to the question? Yes, it is indeed Happiness and nothing else.

You, me and in fact, each one of us is pursuing the concept of happiness only, but in different ways. Each one of us has a different conception of happiness and thus, there exists such variegatedness in hobbies, interests, and ambitions.

Happiness is the only purpose for which we act and interact with others. It is a common denominator amongst all sections of the society. Through our every action we seek happiness in return, just like when we do a job at a company, either we seek happiness through our work or through the appreciation of our work or through both. As parents, we seek happiness by spending time with our children, living their life with them and seeing them become happy makes us happy.

Life is all about happiness. The underlying principle remains the same for all irrespective of our positions, designations or circumstances. Sometimes we try to find happiness through others’ actions also. Like in the same office example, if your junior completes the assigned work on time and that helps you in some way, you are happy.

If we contemplate upon this matter, we may find that there are different types of happiness. In fact, the concept of happiness is so intricate that it is knitted very finely with every action of ours. We get happiness from eating delicious food. We get happiness from recognition of our actions. We get happiness from the love of family (that is happiness through love). We get happiness by owning things we desire.

There are many types of happiness but from our experience we can tell that most of the times it is momentary and hence unsatisfactory.

The scriptures reveal that the highest form of happiness is the spiritual happiness which is everlasting and of the highest magnitude.

What is spiritual happiness? Why it is said to be the highest form of happiness and how to achieve it? And many more such questions might be popping up in your mind. We will answer all of them in our next blog. So, stay tuned.

Meanwhile, Tell us what has been your state of happiness while staying at home, for the past one and half year?

Please answer the above question by commenting below. À la prochaine!

