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What Do Core Values Actually Do?

Nick Kampouris
Published in
2 min readDec 13, 2023


When we talk about core values, we’re talking about the beliefs that guide our lives and steer our decisions. These are more than just catchy phrases; they’re the compass for our personal and professional lives.

But what is the real significance of having core values?

Core values are the principles at the heart of our character. They are like the North Star, guiding us on life’s journey. Integrity, honesty, and kindness aren’t just abstract concepts; they can be the foundation of our actions and decisions.

But how do they influence our choices? Core values often serve as a framework for making decisions, especially when faced with moral dilemmas. They are different from societal norms, which are more about external expectations. Core values come from within, reflecting our deepest beliefs and convictions.

In our personal lives, core values are like tree roots, providing stability and nourishment. They shape our identity, influencing our behavior and interactions with others. Think of a person who values compassion; this value is likely to manifest itself in their relationships, nurturing deeper connections and personal growth. Our core values are not only beliefs; they guide us towards becoming better versions of ourselves.

My personal ones have changed over time. This is normal. Heraclitus said you can’t step into the same river twice, or something like that. Which means that as a person I change and so do my values as I grow. Today they are Love, Safety, Freedom and Truth. Since adopting these after a recent men’s retreat, they have deeply resonated with my decision-making every day.

Professionally, core values are just as important. They are the building blocks of a company’s culture, setting the tone for how a business operates. A company that prioritizes innovation, for example, will foster a culture of creativity and continuous improvement.

Leaders who embody and communicate these values inspire their teams, creating a cohesive and motivated workforce. The most successful companies highlight their values as a genuine reflection of their ethos, not just as part of their marketing strategy.

On a broader scale, core values play a pivotal role in societal progress. They shape societal trends and movements. When a society upholds values like equality and justice, it moves towards a more inclusive and fair environment. Historical movements for civil rights and environmental protection are prime examples of how collective core values can lead to significant political and social changes.

Core values are much more than just words; they are the guiding forces that shape our decisions, our relationships, and our societies. The more we understand and embrace our core values, the more fulfilling our lives will be.



Nick Kampouris
Editor for

Nick is a designer & men's work facilitator. He loves all things self-development, family, lifestyle and food. Say