How to Test Sovryn on Testnet

3 min readSep 2, 2020


Sovryn should be more than just decentralized, it should be easy and fun to use. You can play an important role in creating that reality. Please help us test the system and get the inside-scoop on how Sovryn works before everyone else!

Because the system is on testnet, it is still a bit clunky to use. Below you will find instructions on how to get started. Please give us your feedback, not just on the system, but on the instructions too. The Sovryn community is eager to help solve any problems. The best place for this is the #feedback-and-user-testing channel in the Sovryn discord.

Ok, let’s get started…

Get Testnet Tokens

Step 1 — Download Nifty or Metamask. Nifty comes with RSK as a pre-configured option. Metamask requires some configuration, as described below.

Step 2 — Configure Metamask for RSK testnet. Click on “Main Ethereum Network” at the top of the widget. In the dialog that opens up, scroll down to “Custom RPC”.

In the configuration page for the Custom RSPC, enter there values:

Network Name: RSK Testnet


Chain Id: 31

Symbol: RBTC

Block Explorer URL:

Step 3 — Add DOC tokens. In Nifty you only need to go to add tokens and search for "DOC". In metamask to “Add Token”. Select “Custom Token” and add the following details:


Token Contract Address: 0xCB46c0ddc60D18eFEB0E586C17Af6ea36452Dae0

Token Symbol: DOC or SUSD

Step 4 — Charge Wallet with RBTC and DOC. Go to the Sovryn faucet. Enter your account address, and click “Get RBTC” and "Get DOC"

Step 6 — Awesome, you are almost done! Go to the Sovryn testnet UI to get started.


Click into the Trading section, to begin making margin trades. You can take long or short positions. Try creating a few positions and cancelling them. Try setting up some positions as if they were real and see how profitable a treder you could be.


Click into the lending section to begin super-stacking. Lend either BTC or USD. Try putting in a position large enough to change the APR, like any good whale. Try withdrawing your funds at a profit.

Give us Feedback!

Please tell us about your experience. What worked? What didn’t? Was it easy to use? How can we improve the system or the interface?

Please email us or pop into the discord to give us a piece of your mind.

