SOWEFLO LIFE COVER PHOTO TAKEOVER ~ Courtesy Of Robert Hoovis, @hoovisyo On Instagram

Mike DeCastro
SoWeFlo Life
Published in
4 min readFeb 19, 2017


SoWeFlo Life Cover Photo Takeover ~ Courtesy of Robert Hoovis

Each week SoWeFlo Life features one amazing SWFL photographer, who shares our passion for life in Paradise. We ask that photographer to ‘take over’ the cover photo of our Facebook page, and make it their own. We are honored to feature some of SWFL’s most talented and creative photographers… both professional and amateur. Each one able to capture SWFL scenes with a sense of love and passion, as well as an artist’s eye for beauty, energy and vibe.

This week Robert Hoovis of Old Sparky Productions has taken over the Soweflo Life cover photo.

Courtesy Of Robert Hoovis ~ Naples Beach at the pier, FL

Please do check out Rob on Instagram… he is a must-follow. We discovered Rob as we scrolled through our daily ‘#SWFL’ search on Instagram. As we scrolled each day, an amazing photo would ‘pop!’ off the screen, it was always a Rob Hoovis phtograph. Rob’s photography became instantly recognizable, and each ‘wow’ photo was better than the next.

Courtesy Of Robert Hoovis ~ Fort Myers, FL

Rob Hoovis has an artist’s eye and a poet’s heart. He’s able to capture the real Southwest Florida vibe, energy, and story, of the moment, scene or person in his focus. Rob’s creativity and artistry is amazing as well. Often, Rob will take a SWFL scene that we’ve all walked or driven by so many times that it’s simply background… and recreate it visually to make it new again.. something different than it was before.

Courtesy Of Robert Hoovis ~ Sanibel Causeway, FL
Photo courtesy Of Rob Hoovis ~ Fort Myers, FL.

One of our all-time favorite Rob Hoovis photos was taken in Fort Myers. A simple random moment, brought to life, which was like a really well written short story. A musician practicing his craft, underneath an over-pass. A saxophone player bouncing the sound of his music off the cement walls, feeling all the vibration and sound and energy, he created. A ‘wow’ of a photograph, and telling of two passionate artists.. Rob Hoovis and the sax player.

“Joy!’ Courtesy Of Robert Hoovis ~ Captiva Island, FL

To see more of Rob Hoovis’ work, please do stop by his website. And check out Rob’s YouTube channel too. You’ll see that Rob Hoovis brings the same passion and creativity to his clients, that he shares with his followers on Instagram.

Courtesy Of Robert Hoovis ~ Fort Myers, FL
Courtesy Of Robert Hoovis ~ Sanibel, FL

We ask that you keep all of the SWFL photography community on your radar. Please do support these passionate artists. Like. Follow. Love! our SWFL photography community across their social media and at public showings of their work. They bring us SO much beauty, often in very unique ways which show us a new and more vibrant perspective.

Courtesy Of Robert Hoovis ~ Sanibel, FL

We look forward to featuring a new photographer each week. And we encourage any photographer interested in a Soweflo Life Cover Photo Takeover, to reach out… We’d Love to hear from you!

SoWeFlo Life ~ Created to celebrate & preserve life in Paradise.

Please follow SoWeFlo Life on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and YouTube.

See you on the beach!

