Student reflection tools for emotional well-being and academic planning

Rupa Gupta
Sown To Grow
5 min readApr 2, 2020


Most schools are now two weeks into the new reality of remote, self-directed learning. We’ve been honored to connect, support and brainstorm with schools all over the country on how best to engage students amidst the transition — especially those who are the most likely to disengage. The message has been loud and clear:

This time cannot be just about academic continuity. Our students’ social and emotional health and well-being through this crisis likely has far greater implications for their outcomes than their grades.

We have seen an onslaught of free resources, online lessons and remote learning tools to support content instruction. However, there appears to be gaps in scaffolding, structures and routines for students in social-emotional well-being, personal planning, and self-motivation — all critical for successful self-directed learning in this trying time.

We reworked the core Sown To Grow goal-setting and reflection process to help. These routines are most important for vulnerable students who may be behind academically or have other challenges.

Two New Modules: Quick SEL Check-Ins + Academic Planning

We’ve designed two new modules that provide a simple and easy-to-implement structure for these critical aspects of remote learning and engagement. They can be used independently or in concert with one another to provide a structure for both teachers and students.

Two new modules in Sown To Grow support student reflection emotionally and academically

We have created both online and offline (worksheet) versions of both of these routines.

The online version requires students to have some access to technology, but the requirements are fairly minimal. It works great on smart phones and on data plans (no high speed internet required). We’ve opened up these modules so they are fully available to use for the rest of the school year.

The offline handouts can be edited and shared directly with students (just make a copy or download the Google Doc), or printed as part of physical packets sent home to families. Students can then upload their work as an assignment in other classroom management systems (e.g., Google Classroom, Canvas, etc).

While both can be effective, the online system allows teachers to easily see student goals, reflections and emotional check-ins across their roster. Teachers can also customize the built-in scaffolds such as the reflection prompts and sample plans/strategies. Finally, teachers can give feedback and see each student’s self-direction journey over time (including how they are feeling, strategies that are working, and insights provided by the system).

The daily check-in / check-out process can be a game changer in setting a routine, ensuring accountability, and supporting students in their journey to self-direction.

OFFLINE PLANNING WORKSHEET: Click here to access the Google Doc that provides a similar structure on paper. You can make a copy or download it to edit and share with your students.

Check out these student reflections from this past week!

Quick SEL Check In Module — 6th Grade Reflections (School serves 94% low-income families)
Daily Planning Module — 9th Grade Reflections (School serves 87% low-income families)

SEL Check-Ins

In this simple routine, student check in daily on different social-emotional areas and are prompted to reflect on how they are processing their context in each area. The routine is designed to take just a few minutes, but uncovers powerful formative touch points for you and your students on their social and emotional well-being.

Students check-in each day on a critical SEL area, and are prompted to reflect on how they are processing.

OFFLINE SEL WORKSHEET: Click here to access the Google Doc that provides a similar structure on paper. You can make a copy or download it to edit and share with your students.

Other pro tips

  • Keep an eye on students getting logistically set up to learn remotely. Do they have a quiet space to work? Do they have responsibilities at home that are getting in the way (e.g., watching a younger sibling, preparing family meals, etc)? Supporting students in solving these challenges will be critical to longer-term engagement and success. These challenges are also most likely to affect our most vulnerable students.
  • Keep an eye on student emotions, engagement and motivation. Learning is an emotional and social process, and this new context is going to feel different. Students are asked throughout the protocol how they are feeling, and the end of week reflection is intentionally meant to provide space for more open and personal reflection. Use this data to keep a pulse on your class and consider designing sessions/lessons for any issues that might arise. For example, if students are feeling uninspired by loads of individual work, run a lesson on different virtual tools they can use to connect and collaborate with classmates.
  • Consider sharing your own reflections, goals and challenges with students. Personal vulnerability can be a powerful way to deepen relationships. Given the unprecedented nature of this context, students are looking to people they trust (like you!) for cues on what is normal and how to process their emotions. This can be a great opportunity to respond to the same reflection prompts that students see, and share your responses with them.

We’re here to help (and improve!)

While Sown To Grow’s core protocol has been validated by researchers and vetted in classrooms nationwide, we recognize that this specific, remote implementation is new to all of us. Adjust as you see fit, and please share any and all feedback with us so we can learn in partnership with you and your students!

Please don’t hesitate to email us as or call at 415.734.9465. We also are more than happy to schedule a quick call to share best practices and be a thought partner.

Now more than ever, THANK YOU for modeling commitment, flexibility, perseverance and tenacity for our students. And for being total rockstars. Every. Single. Day.

Our team is socially distanced but working away, so please don’t hesitate to reach out!

With gratitude,
The Sown To Grow Team

