3 Simple Ways To Get More Customers

Scott Johnson
Sozial Monster
Published in
5 min readSep 7, 2016

Every problem is a gift — without problems we would not grow.”
― Tony Robbins, motivational speaker

I thought about Tony Robbins quote and how it might relate to my problems. As I was pondering the thought, I wondered if he was referring to other peoples problems. What if I could help solve them? Would that give me a distinct advantage in selling my products or services to them?

I discussed this dilemma/opportunity with Dagmar Gatell, Chief Strategist at Sozial Monster. She described the problem as pain points and pain points as your biggest opportunity to create revenue. By identifying customer pain points, you recognize the real obstacles. Now you have the option to make them your biggest strengths by creating product and service solutions helping your customers to overcome these and to get more customers. Dagmar lists the number one pain point for startups and SMB’s as “Not enough money” and number two as “Not enough time.”

Your customers all have challenges to overcome in their business. One of the most underutilized selling secrets is identifying and addressing customer’s pain points.

Without an understanding of the customer’s pain points, it’s almost impossible to close deals. No matter what industry your company is in or whether you are selling a product or service, knowing your customer’s pain points and providing a solution will help you gain trust.

Dagmar’s suggested that your existing or potential customer most likely feel the pain of a lack of capital or a lack of time. Lets see how we can help them and make a sale.

Your Customers Lack Of Capital

Lack of Capital is the major pain point for startups and small business. It gives them an easy reason to say no to buying from your company.

Your targeted prospect may be just scraping by on very little cash flow. If you are selling software, IT consultancy or new computers, odds are, if they are struggling with cash flow, they are not going paying attention to your sales pitch.

Want some attention?

  • Research the product/service your customer sells.
  • Think about your connections. I am sure you know of someone in need of what your customer is selling or know someone looking for what they are selling.
  • Take time to make the appropriate introductions, thus meeting other executives at your prospects company. All the time they are getting to know you and you are letting them know what product or service you represent. Make a few introductions and it won’t be long before you are invited in to pitch your stuff.

The law of reciprocity is alive and well in today’s business world. If you help enough customers by connecting and referring them business, the same will happen for you.

Always be on the lookout for opportunities to solve a customer’s pain point.

Overcoming The Obstacle Of The Competitor

At one point in my career, I was representing a small but fast growing agency. We pitched Fortune 1000 companies. Our offering was very limited and focused only on a few marketing tactics. We targeted one of the largest consumer goods packaging companies (CPG). They were the second largest company in their industry and the largest one, their competitor, was growing at a much faster rate.

Our small agency was always pitching against major agencies. We needed to find a way to overcome the obstacle of being perceived as a small agency with limited resources. In meetings with executives from the CPG, we learned that the tactic the competitor used consisted of aligning their promotional marketing with Pixar. This alignment led to increased shelf space and sales. Pixar was founded by Steve Jobs, utilized state of the art computer animation and was home to Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Monsters, Inc, etc and a major pain point for our potential customer. We left their headquarters knowing they really wanted Pixar as a marketing partner.

I knew if we had any chance of getting their business, we would have to help them overcome the “competitor pain point”.

Going through my Rolodex, I realized that a number of my contacts from Mattel, Disney, Warner Bros, and Lucas Arts were now at Pixar. After a few phone calls, the CPG executives and I were on a plane to Oakland. Two days of discussions and the CPG had their marketing partner and we had a new CPG client. Our agency’s talent pool was not necessarily better than our competition. We just addressed the client’s pain. Be a connector, learn how to network, and get more customers.

Believe and Get More Customers

Believing in yourself and your product/services can be the single biggest challenge for entrepreneurs and small businesses. To really believe that customers want and need what you have to offer, goes a long way in establishing your persona. In the marketing departments, they say “Content is King”; in sales departments, I would say “Confidence is King”.

Remember the reasons you were so passionate about your company to begin with?

They still hold true. If you can ease your customer’s pain, lessen their challenges, resolve their struggles or just give someone something that feels good, you are needed and your product or service wanted. Believe in yourself. It is the way to get more customers.

The rules of selling are to add value, educate, then sell.

What if you could also solve a potential customer’s pain point? You would be adding immeasurable value and a new customer.

Have you ever used any of these ways to sell your products or services? What are your unique selling tips? Please share your thoughts in the comments below.

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About The Author
Scott Johnson is the Co-Founder of Sozial Monster. You can connect with him on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.



Scott Johnson
Sozial Monster

Co-Founder & CMO of @sozialmonster Passionate about Growing Revenue for Businesses. Love Golf, Wine, & Cuban Cigars http://sozialmonster.com