Space and Everything with it

Madison Sherman
Space and other things
5 min readMar 1, 2019

Earth was formed almost 4.5 billion years ago, along with all the other planets, oceans, animals, and humans. Space was here long before earth, but space is earths home. All these things together create the universe. There are so many things we haven't explored yet. Approximately five percent of the ocean has been discovered, that leaves ninety five percent left. If the earth was formed so long ago and we have yet to explore ninety five of the ocean still, what else will they find? Will they find new species? They could find anything. Its unimaginable. Now imagine space. Man has set foot on the moon, scientists have found ways to grow plants on different planets, there are people living in space. That is crazy to think about isn’t it? Somebody made it possible to live in space. Everyday we learn new things about our world, and our universe. People are becoming smarter and smarter each day, and learn to create new things in this world. New technology, new ideas. We would be lost without others peoples ideas. Everything starts off as a simple idea, then gets built off of. A theory is a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the things to be explained. In our world today, there are so many different theories. Theories about random things like the mickey mouse character, or the movie Frozen. But, some of the theories out there are about real life topics that make so much sense with the right evidence behind it. You have to stop and think if you believe in the theory, or whats said is true. Space is amazing, the sheer vast of it all, along with the trillions of objects in the billion galaxies of the universe is almost impossible for the human brain to comprehend. There are so many different ideas out there about space, its hard to even think about what could be real or not. Earth is flat, the moon landing was faked, black holes, time traveling, some of these might sound incredibly strange to you, but with the right information behind it, they can seem incredibly real.

Is earth flat?

Someone out there in this world thought that earth was flat. They gathered information about it, made it look like real and then bam. A new idea, a new argument. Members of the flat earth society claim to believe that the planet earth is not round, it is flat. When you walk around on the planets surface, it feels flat, it looks flat, so people think it must be flat. This belief that earth is flat has been put on the top of the conspiracy theory lists. Another part of this is that flat earthers, (people that believe that the earth is flat not round), believe that photos of the earth are photoshopped. They think that the government is hiding this from all of us because of financial issues. “In a nutshell, it would logically cost much less to fake a space program than to actually have one, so those in on the conspiracy profit from the funding NASA and other space agencies receive from the government,” the flat earther website FAQ page explains. Have you ever seen the flat earth challenge? The flat earth challenge is were somebody pours water from a cup simply onto the ground. Since the water falls straight to the ground, they believe that the earth is flat. If the earth was freaking flat, then the water would not fall straight down to the ground, the water would fall into another direction, since the earth is round. That is all wrong, the water falls because of gravity, not because the earth is flat. Its very interesting to read about and think of the idea of it, but lets get serious, the earth is round and there are more facts out there proving it to be then rather the earth being flat.

Faking the moon landing

The definition of moon landing is the arrival of a spacecraft on the surface of the moon. The first person to accomplish this and successfully land on the moon was Neil Armstrong on July 20th, 1969. That was a big day for our world, we finally figured out the technology to get a human into space. It was a big step into the future. Or was it? A very popular conspiracy theory is that the moon landing was faked, the video was faked, no man has touched foot to the moon. If you look into this research you will find that there are multiple reasons backing it up. For one, the flag was waving in the video. From the photos and videos taken the flag appears to be flapping in the wind. But how? There is no air on the moon so how can it move? People bring up this one a lot when it comes to this but the truth is the flag was not flapping in any wind, if you take a look very closely to the left of the gif, the flag is in the same position between two frames as the astronauts move. Space Centre said that there was a “horizontal rod projecting from the post at the top of the pole to hold the flag unfurled. The flag was disturbed as it was planted into the ground and kept this bent shape because of the lack os strong gravity on the moon.” The flag was certainly not flapping in the wind. Without knowing the facts behind it though, you just might believe it. Another reason people believe in this theory is because the stars in the background. You can see stars from your house, while your on earth. If you can see the stars when they are all the way up in space shouldn't you be able to see them in a photograph taken actually in space? This is actually common in photography, when the contrast between light and dark is to extreme when taken. “The surface of the moon reflects the strong sunlight and appears very bright in photographs. This brightness drowns out the relatively dim light from stars in the dark sky, akin to how car headlights can drown out the fainter light from nearby objects.”. So no the stars do not show up in the picture or the video of the moon landing because of the lighting, not because it was faked.


In conclusion, space has plenty more left to discover and so many more theories will come up every now and then. There is so much research now and so much information out there that it may seem impossible that there could possibly be aliens, or possibly be more planets, or possibly even a planet that we could live on someday? Technology never stops being invented, there will always be something new out there to learn , to explore. Time never stops.

