Let Me Tell You About Why I Chose This Topic

Mya Wood
space bits
Published in
2 min readDec 14, 2018

I’m going to be honest.

This is totally a filler piece. I’ve been staring at my computer for too long, my eyes are watering like I just saw some naked grandma (you’re welcome) and I don’t want to have to do research for just one of these pieces. I’ve done so much research this week. Ask me about the National Convention of France during the French Revolution, about the names and meanings of celestial objects, Greek myths, random facts that came from searching too deep into Google. (The hashtag is formally named the octothorp.) (A cockroach can hold its breath for 40 minutes.) (Cicadas taste like nutty asparagus and shrimp.) (We regularly eat water bears and they can’t survive our digestive tract.)

I am an idiot. I will admit it. I am literally the stupidest person alive. Me, a 15 year old professional fool (tonto) who doesn’t really spend as much time researching space stuff as I should, decided that I’d do a project entirely on astrophysics. Past Maya, I hate you.

(I am)

It’s true that I’ve always been utterly fascinated with space. It’s incomprehensible, it’s just too profound and big. I’ve laid on the top of my car a few times at night, just staring into the abyss of space, with only the gift of gravity to hold me to the surface of the Earth.

And I wanted to learn about astrophysics. It’s an interesting subject, astrology and astro-engineering, all the astro things.

I chose this topic because I love space. I watch a lot of space stuff, read a lot of space sci-fi, and it’s just altogether fascinating.


