COVID-19 — Space Impulse is part of the solution.

Space Impulse Team
Space Impulse
Published in
2 min readApr 24, 2020

We are here to help the space industry meet and conduct business online. Social distancing is built in, but at the same time, we’re bringing people and businesses closer together.

The space industry is no exception among the industries impacted by COVID-19. In the midst of event cancellations, mission delays, a crash-course in telecommuting, and assurance that the worst is yet to come, whatever business continuity plans have been put in place are now being put to the test of a lifetime.

Few, if any, should expect a stellar grade, and the intransigent inefficiencies and flaws in our current systems will be laid bare.

One inefficiency that should be starkly evident is industry reliance on the main fuel of COVID-19’s rampage: face-to-face meetings. Despite the ubiquity of the Internet, we have never stopped relying on in-person formats to network, establish trust, and generally conduct business.

Now we must.

The threat is great enough to ransom our lives for the global economy — an offer we cannot refuse. However, a lesser payment is possible: we can change the way we do business.

Space Impulse was developed with the 21st century certainty that not only can a business network function virtually, but the supply chains in and out of a marketplace can be managed virtually as well. We are here to help the space industry meet and conduct business online.

The time and expense of travel and attendance for business is large and always accompanied by unique risks, not just for special events but daily commuting, too. COVID-19’s greatest threat to humankind, the risk of harming or even killing one another through contagion, is the one thing virtual alternatives like Space Impulse aren’t threatened by at all. Social distancing is built in.

But at the very moment when we have been separated from one another so profoundly, we are at the height of a virtual coming together that in the long run could be considered even more profound. Space Impulse is proud to be part of it, and to bring your risk down to zero, membership and interaction in the community is absolutely free.

Sign up today and connect with our fast growing global community of verified companies and professionals from the space industry.



Space Impulse Team
Space Impulse

The Space Business Network where all participants in the Space Industry supply chain can connect, negotiate and transact. Join for FREE: