The Metaverse and Why you need to start paying attention

Space Metaverse
Published in
3 min readNov 5, 2021


The Metaverse, in recent months, has gained quite a lot of popularity. Almost everyone has heard of the word itself. This increased awareness can be partly attributed to Mark Zuckerberg’s announcement of his Metaverse intent and the growing popularity of Blockchain technology.

Despite this increased mainstream awareness, the Majority are surfing the internet daily, trying to understand what this new world is and how it will impact their lives and social experiences forever.

What is the Metaverse?

Simply put, it is a virtual realm backed by advanced technological structures where humans represented by avatars can socialize, work, and own assets.

The idea of the Metaverse backed by Blockchain technology is still in its infancy. More use cases are arising daily, and with increasing advancement, the full potential of what the Metaverse is will unfold.

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What if I told you that the Metaverse is not as new as you think?

True. The term virtual reality goes as far back as the 80s. It was coined by a computer scientist named Jaron Lanier, but it wasn’t designed as a mainstream technology due to the cost of production (current day $3 million for one). As a result, the implementation was used mainly by NASA, airlines, and the military.

Now, the Metaverse itself. It was first used in a best-selling sci-fi novel in 1992. The book was written by Neal Stephenson, titled Snow Crash.

The author imagined the main character traveling between two worlds; the not-so-glamorous reality(real world) and the 3D virtual reality (Metaverse). This was the first vision of the Metaverse, which forms the basis for Metaverse projects.

Asides from Second life, gaming has been the best use case of the Metaverse idea, with warcraft being the most successful both in social interaction and revenue generation model.

It would be best if you start paying attention

Technology is always on the move, and you need to position yourself to recognize and maximize the opportunities attached to this shift.

The world is talking about the Metaverse. Big brands in tech, fashion, entertainment, sports, and others are all looking into the diverse opportunities in this new reality.

Sincerely, I think it’s time everyone starts paying attention. The Metaverse is bound to change so many things about the world as we know it. There will be an influx of new opportunities, thousands of previously non-existent jobs, new wealth creation opportunities and models.

We all need to be involved, whether actively or passively.

The Metaverse is evolving, but it is here to stay.

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