5 min readAug 3, 2022


If the metaverse were a person, how would you describe it? Would it be a close friend you know a lot about or the weirdo who lives in your neighbourhood that you just don’t understand?

If you picked the second option, you are not alone. Statistics reveal that most people still struggle to understand the metaverse concept and its relevance.

Here at Space, we are determined to change that fact by educating everyone on the metaverse and how to benefit from the emerging technology. So, in this article, we will be removing the mystery around the metaverse by explaining five simple but mostly unknown facts about the metaverse.

Let’s get started!

What is the Metaverse?

Before we dive in, it is necessary first to define the metaverse because the lack of a universal definition for the concept is one of the contributing factors to people’s confusion. Nevertheless, we’ll give a simple definition that covers the basics.

In our words, the metaverse is a network of 3D virtual worlds that closely simulate reality and foster social connections, which can be accessed using virtual and augmented reality headsets.

Now that we have a basic understanding, let us dive deeper by explaining the following:

Where It Started:

Although the metaverse only recently saw a spike in popularity, the concept dates back to the late 1900s. The term “metaverse” was first used by best selling author Neil Stevenson in his book titled Snow Crash. It was coined to explain a virtual escape in a gloomy world.

After the term was coined, the next stage in the metaverse development came with a virtual world known as Second Life.

Second Life was a virtual social platform designed in 2003, and it is now recognized as one of the first iterations of the metaverse. After Second Life was released, many other virtual worlds were designed including Active Worlds, World of Warcraft, Fortnite etc.

Also, in 2019, the popular social network, Facebook at that time, launched a social VR world called Facebook Horizon. Later on, in 2021, Facebook was renamed Meta Platforms and rebranded as a metaverse company. Undoubtedly, this move is largely responsible for the sudden spike in metaverse awareness globally.

And this leads us to the next point: Who owns the metaverse?

Who Owns It?

If the first answer that popped into your mind was Meta, you’d be wrong. It is important to remember that the metaverse is a 3D version of the internet. This means that just like nobody can own the internet, nobody can own the metaverse too. However, there are prominent companies that are better placed to shape the future of this emerging technology. They include companies like Roblox, Unity Software Inc., Microsoft and, of course, Meta Platforms.

Currently, the most popular virtual worlds are The Sandbox, Decentraland, and Cryptovoxels, which are blockchain-based. Others include Second Life, Minecraft and Roblox, which are not blockchain-based.

How To Access It:

As we mentioned in the previous point, there are many virtual worlds, and each one is different from the others in its own way. Typically, users utilize a VR headset, but most metaverses can be accessed without one. However, some metaverses can be used on mobile phones though this sacrifices the “immersiveness” of the experience. All you are required to do is simply log into your metaverse of choice, for example, and select an avatar. It’s that simple! With one click, you are now free to experience hyper-realistic events and enjoy immersive interactions.

What It’s Currently Being Used For:

If you read our previous post highlighting metaverse news in May, you would know that the metaverse is the new hub for everything, including music concerts, business events and even weddings.

Yes, there is no question that the virtual world is being adopted in countless industries. Already, startups like Nextmeet are combining immersive experiences with business, while exciting events like the metaverse fashion week and various VR music concerts are promoting metaverse adoption.

Also, an important aspect of metaverse adoption is AR shopping which combines virtual technology with physical items allowing users to personalize and interact with the items on their shopping list. Lastly, the metaverse is laying roots in industries like education and security.

Why We Need It:

The 2020 lockdown was a driving force for many technologies, including NFTs, Defi and many more. The metaverse is not an exception. The lockdown exposed the need for social connectivity even when it could not be achieved physically.

The aim is not to replace the physical world with the virtual one but to experience immersive experiences regardless of physical or geographical limitations.

Now, we can go shopping, trade, attend musical concerts or even participate in business meetings, all from the comfort of our homes. We can choose to be represented as we wish and have no limits as we dive into a world of business and commerce without sacrificing entertainment and quality interactions.

Just as the internet revolutionized all industries and ecosystems, the metaverse promises to be the next life-changing technology.


When you started this article, you admitted that the metaverse was similar to a stranger. We hope we have helped you understand it better and that you are ready for the next step.

Now, we’d like you to join us at Space, a realistic 3D world where you can define who you want to be, meet with people from around the world and build your life and career. If this sounds exciting to you, then head over to

Welcome to a world like ours, just better!


SPACE is a metaverse catering to the arts and commerce and aiming to provide powerful builder tools that allow users to design and create immersive commerce spaces without barriers.

We act as the glue to the various metaverses, bridging the many virtual worlds into one trading hub. We are focused on creating a vibrant user-owned economy through unifying knowledge, joint effort, and fair rewards distribution based on a culture of collaboration and economic opportunities.

For more information on this immersive and personalized metaverse, check out the link:

