New Game-changing NFT Marketplace feature on SpaceSeven — Universes!

3 min readOct 22, 2021


The Non Fungible Tokens(NFT) market has exploded and is not showing any signs of slowing down. At present, there are more than 50 NFT marketplaces and in the third quarter of 2021 alone, DappRadar reported that the sales volume of NFTs exceeded $10.7 billion, a 704% increase from the previous quarter.

Understandably, the possibility of gaining more value for their work without excessive middleman costs has spurred many artists to explore NFTs. If you are a creator looking to sell your digital artwork, an NFT marketplace is now the best way to go.

Why NFT marketplaces — what’s in it for you?

Today, NFT marketplaces come in all shapes and sizes, each with unique advantages and disadvantages.

An NFT marketplace is a platform where you can store, showcase, and sell or trade your art in the form of NFTs. As a creator, you list your digital work for a fixed price or put it up for auction. Buyers, in turn, will browse the marketplace to buy or place a bid on the art.

To keep up with the stiff competition, NFT marketplaces have to invest in distinct features that make them unique. Some focus on a better user experience, offer tutorials, convenient payment methods, unique features, or lower fees among other perks.

For artists, being unique is just as important. Distinct marketplace features can go a long way in helping to bring your art to the right audience in a memorable way. You need a platform that allows you to effortlessly share all your NFTs, whether it is a single artwork or more. And this is where universes step in.

Introducing Universes on SpaceSeven NFT Marketplace

As SpaceSeven joins the marketplaces scene, the goal is not to simply blend in but stand out from the crowd. It’s our earnest endeavor to provide features that are practical and solutions that truly fill in the missing puzzles of present NFT marketplaces.

This is why our marketplace will implement a new out-of-the-box feature — Universes. This feature is powered by a proprietary cutting edge technology developed by Tacans on Concordium smart contract enterprise blockchain platform. Our goal is to provide a better way for digital artists, celebrities, and creators to present their art and reach a large audience.

What are Universes?

A universe gives you the ability to create a virtual, exclusive and customized gallery inside the SpaceSeven NFT Marketplace. From music to art pieces, the SpaceSeven universes allow creators to showcase all their digital artwork in one place. This will serve as a paradise for the artists’ fans as they get the possibility to view and keep up with the artist’s work.

Artists will have the ability to create unique universes with a distinct look and feel around their NFTs. SpaceSeven universes will give them the means to express their style and emotions in not just their art itself but in the way it is presented. Think of a Scandinavian art gallery with the best and most famous Nordic artists available but online. A place where people can admire and buy any piece of art with only a few clicks. Imagine a virtual gallery that houses the musical masterpieces of a famous musician. A digital paradise where fans can easily listen to songs or buy everything from one place. That is what SpaceSeven Universe offers.

What’s more? Our Universe delivers a particular experience scarcely found on any other marketplace. It is a place where only selected brands and high-performing artists can list their NFTs. That said, buyers can unlimitedly find high-quality NFTs from the SpaceSeven marketplace.

Are you curious? Our platform is going live this November, and all Universes, as well as the general SpaceSeven market, will be open to all SpaceSeven users 24/7.

SpaceSeven never stops bringing new, exceptional experiences for NFT creators and collectors. We are moving forward to make this NFT world even more exciting.


The general SpaceSeven Market remains open to all artists, both small and industry legends. It’s our primary goal to help anyone mint and showcase their art to a large audience. To keep things interesting and recognize outstanding creatives, high-performing creators from the general market will get a chance to get their own Universe.

Stay tuned with us to stand out from the noise!

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Spaceseven is a multi-chain NFT platform that empowers you to create, sell and buy NFTs.