Space SIP
Published in
2 min readNov 4, 2021


Can you see the heat from desire to be a part of Alpha test these days. Therefore, to provide more about this special event, we would like to write this detailed article for your further understanding of what will be the benefits when you join into Alpha Test

  1. PvE

When you participate in Alpha Test, you will get the opportunity to experience PvE (Players vs. Environment). It is required to have 3 spaceships in a battle fleet and it costs 5 fuel per spaceship to do a PvE mission.

For each PvE mission, a set of 3 enemy battle fleets is presented with random elements. Fights are an on-chain transaction that takes the power values of the chosen ship and chosen enemy, and compares the calculated rolls to determine if the player wins or loses.

2. Mistery Capsule

If you are a person who likes pleasant surprises, then Mystery Capsule will surely be a memorable experience. By revealing the capsule, you’ll have the chance to obtain NFTs from N to SSR. Therefore, don’t miss this testing feature when you are in love with new things coming!

3. Mining

The four planets are the origin of the universe with a big mining vault on them:

  • MAGMA — Planet of Fire
  • TSUNAMI — Planet of Water
  • QUAKE — Planet of Earth
  • THUNDERSTORM — Planet of Lightning

Players can send their unlimited spaceship to planets for mining $SIP. Spaceships mine until they run out of fuels.

4. Base station

5. Explore (in progress)

6. Raffle mining (in progress)

👉 So what are you waiting for to be experience these cool things before everyone, let’s follow the tasks here: https://sweepwidget.com/view/38218-hvkub3i5

You better not miss this Greatest event of Space SIP game

About Space SIP

Space SIP utilizes NFT technology to create an unparalleled gaming experience for users in which they can build space-ready battleships to pit against extraterrestrial foes in a new universe of interactive, intergalactic warfare. The game is developed by a team with 10+ years of experience in software development combined with 5 years of working on blockchain. We are proud to bring the best gaming product to the community!

Learn more about Space SIP

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