Keeping up…

Lasya J 🐙
Published in
2 min readJun 11, 2016

I haven’t been keeping up with this “blog” regularly, not everyday, but I have been productive the last few days:

  • I’ve started writing a long-ish fiction story that may be done and published this week.
  • I’ve set up a call for my next job, which should also be hopefully finalized soon.
  • I’ve struck upon an idea for a book which fulfills my need to write about my travels and fiction neatly, the introduction for which will be up tomorrow. The thing with this though, is that, I haven’t decided if it is going to be a proper book or an additional publication here on Medium. I’d like to at least start it off by writing here. The way it’s going to be travel/fiction is that each place has my own travelogue and a fictional story inspired by either a picture or the place or an element from the journey.

In addition to this, I’ve found a couple of options to supplement what I’m already supposed to do — a website for writing (for payment) and another for freelancing.

In other news, a string on my guitar broke while I was tuning it, so even that’s been on a break for the past couple of days. My tiny little town has only one place that can fix this, and that is all the way on the other side, but I’m gonna get it done. The New Veins are all about getting shit done so that’s what is going to be done.

This is more of a filler post in an attempt to keep the writing going, tomorrow onward it is going to be regular since I already have a slew of ideas even if there’s not a lot going on during the day.

Until tomorrow then!



Lasya J 🐙

Human on the outside, living in different places. Space Alien on the inside, living permanently on the beach.