Jordan Stars-to-Mars Experience (2018)

Valerie Stimac
Space Tourism Guide
2 min readJul 5, 2017

Experience the Middle East in a whole new light…

As part of our offering on Space Tourism Guide, we are set to start providing both guided and independent travel resources for those who want to experience space tourism on earth and beyond.

Our first trip offering will be a 10-day experience in Jordan. This beautiful Middle Eastern country is renowned for its safety and hospitality — plus some of the best stargazing you’ve ever seen. Over the course of the itinerary, there will be ample stargazing stops, plus a two-night stay in the Martian Domes of Wadi Rum.

Trip details are still being finalized, but the trip is tentatively scheduled for November 2018 or March 2019 depending on interest.

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Petra photo by Sylvain L. via Flickr.



Valerie Stimac
Space Tourism Guide

Roaming writer with a nerdy streak. Posts on travel, food & #SpaceTourism. Editor of Space Tourism Guide.