#spaceweekend N3

Following our trip to Florence and Galileo Museum

Interstellar Raccoons
Space Weekends


There were the days that #terrestrials had the weirdest image of universe — as the spheres rotating around the Earth!

And this is the best terrestrial could do observing sky — find space creatures patterns observed with the naked eye.

but finally on February 15, 1564 in Pisa was born #Galileothe guy responsible for what we know about #Universe now

In July 1609, helearned about a simple #telescope built by Dutch #eyeglass makers, and he soon developed one of his own.

Venetian merchants, saw value of telescope for spotting ships and gave Galileo salary to manufacture several of them

He improved design making #telescope more powerful and in the fall of 1609 he made fateful decision to turn it towards the #heaven.

In about two months, Galileo made more discoveries that changed the world than anyone has ever made before or since

In March 1610 #Galileo published a small booklet — “The Starry Messenger”

#Galileo was the first to see that the moon was not flat and smooth, but a sphere with mountains and craters.

He also found Venus had phases like the moon, proving it revolved around the sun…

He discovered Jupiter had revolving moons (he thought — stars), which didn’t revolve around the earth.

Sidereus Nuncius (#Starry #Messenger) was the first published scientific work based on observations through telescope.

In 1616, Galileo was ordered not to “hold, teach, or defend in any manner” the Copernican theory of the Earth motion.

After the Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems #Galileo was convicted and spent his remaining years under house arrest.

Luckily today we can observe space as much as we want with all the freedom, so start building your own Galilean telescope… http://ift.tt/19xOWlY

