Is the earth flat?

Rachel Hughes
2 min readDec 14, 2018

Growing up we learned how the earth is shaped like a ball, a spherical shape. We know that because its what science tells us. Its what NASA tells us. There are pictures out there of earth that show it definitely isn’t flat. But some believe since they haven’t seen it for themselves then we could be being lied to by NASA.

What is the flat earth theory? The flat earth theory is that our planet is not a globe as we know it but is in fact a flat disc-like shape. They believe that on the outer edges of the circle there is an ice wall that surrounds all of the continents. They believe there is an ice wall but we haven’t seen it because the government wont let us. The reason why some people believe this is because in the late 50s there was a treaty signed by almost all the major countries of power to not let anyone get into Antartica. You can still enter Antartica but you would have to have a bunch of people monitoring you. Another reason why people think this is valid is because planes never fly over it. Planes always take a weird route to avoid Antartica. As well as other theories that have to do with space, some people think that photos of the earth have been faked. Every image you have seen of space is taken by nasa. People have started to question NASA because of the moon landing, which has led to people questioning the pictures NASA takes .Some people believe its faked because if they haven’t seen it themselves they believe there is a possibility that NASA is lying to them.

