should we go to mars?(persuasive)

Rachel Hughes
2 min readDec 14, 2018

Should we go to mars? Why would we want to go to mars in the first place? Is it possible to colonize another planet?

Humans are a very curious species. It’s basic instinct to want to explore. Wanting to travel to mars is just an example of that. exploring mars could be very beneficial to the human race. By going to mars we could learn so much more about the planet and if its habitable enough for humans. If mars is suitable enough for humans to live in then it could be a very vital tool of survival.

What would we do if Earth became unhabitable? Where could the human race survive? The answer to that could be mars. Mars could be used as a backup plan for humans. If all of earth was destroyed at once and we’d have already started colonizing then the human race wouldn't be completely doomed.

but what could be some downsides of colonizing mars? Getting to mars in the first place would take much strategic planning. Earth and mars would have to be completely aligned so that the travel time could be reduced. Earth and mars are only perfectly aligned about every two years. But even then it would still take around seven months to get there. And as of now we don’t know how long the human body can stay in space and remain healthy. It would also take billions of dollars to fund a trip to mars. And sending supplies to mars would also be very costly. And its hard to get that many people out to mars and also the amount of supplies it would take to live on mars.

Even though going to mars is very risky and it could not turn out the way we may hope, I still believe it is worth it. life on earth could end at any time and having a backup plan could help ensure the survival of the human race.

